Page 38 - Discover Winter 2023
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      was to vaccinate at least 80 percent of the U.S.        a vaccine. Remember, this is a government
      population. Their request for funding was               that refuses to approve potentially life-saving

      eagerly approved by Congress, as its members            treatments for terminally ill patients. That’s
      sought the goodwill of their constituents for           something that always leaves me scratching

      ostensibly saving their lives.                          my head. If a person cannot avoid death
                                                              absent treatment, what is the risk of trying
             In the meantime, the World Health
                                                              something that has not been proven to be safe
      Organization was hesitant to recommend
                                                              and effective?
      such a bold agenda. As it turned out, they
      eventually learned that this particular flu bore               Yet, in the case of this new, untested
      little resemblance to the                                                     and unproven vaccine,

      1918 flu, which actually                                                      we needed to pull out

      had been a form of avian                                                      all the stops. I do recall
      flu. Undaunted, the U.S.                                                      quite a few left-of-center
      Government forged ahead                                                       individuals staunchly

      with the vaccine program.                                                     declaring that in no way

      They had promised a                                                           would they ever consent
      vaccine, so by gum, there                                                     to having the “Trump
      was going to be a vaccine.                                                    vaccine” administered

                                                                                    to them. On that
             If this is all starting
                                                                                    point, I agreed, but not
      to sound familiar, stay
                                                                                    for partisan reasons.
                                                                                    However, once it became

             When three elderly                                                     clear that Trump would
      patients at one Philadelphia clinic reportedly          not serve a second consecutive term, these

      died shortly after receiving the vaccine,               same people lined up like lemmings to get
      the program was suspended. The predicted                “the jab”… so much for critical thinking skills.

      epidemic never materialized, and the program            Now all of a sudden we were being counseled
      was deemed a fiasco.                                    to “follow the science”. From where I stood,

                                                              it seemed to be more political science than
             No such concern was ever shown about
                                                              medical science.
      deaths that may have been linked to a more

      recent hell-bent-for-leather vaccine program.                  Now that the evil Orange Man was out
      I can still recall President Trump advocating a         of the picture, our ever-friendly government

      do-or-die effort to roll out a vaccine as quickly       not only continued to push the jab, but
      as possible. I had serious doubts about such

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