Page 40 - Discover Winter 2023
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eventually demanded compliance. Many 50 to 59 years: 99.871% survival rate
people were threatened with the loss of their
60 to 69 years: 99.499% survival rate
livelihoods for failure to be vaccinated, and
many did. Those survival rates hardly scream for
mass vaccination. So why did so many people
A huge percentage of the U.S.
agree to being locked in their homes, having
population became convinced that their lives
their businesses shut down, and line up for
were in serious danger. The proof: According
the jab? Fear. It causes one to wonder why we
to The Hill, a poll taken in August of 2021
needed to be frightened so badly.
demonstrated that the public had a serious
misunderstanding of the risk of death from Let’s look again at it from the
COVID in young people. The poll showed perspective of death rates. News media
that average Americans were under the continually blared the death toll… again,
impression that people under the age of 44 inciting fear. But a closer look at the statistics
made up about 30% of deaths. The true figure reveals some disturbing things. There is ample
was less than 3%. The same poll showed that evidence to suggest that the majority of those
58% of respondents between the ages of 18 reported as COVID deaths fell into three
and 24 also said they feared “significant health primary categories:
consequences” were they to get infected. In
1. People who died of other causes, but had
truth, people in this age group accounted for a
recently tested positive for COVID
mere 0.1% of COVID deaths.
2. People who were killed because of
One has to wonder how this impression
treatments that were later found to be lethal
was generated… until we consider the
aforementioned Presidential quotes. 3. People who were close to death either
because of extreme old age or serious health
Here are the real numbers concerning
survival rates before the vaccine was
dispensed (remember, all government-issued The numbers were likely inflated
information focused on death rates instead): because there were financial incentives that
were offered to hospitals for their numbers
Birth to 19 years: 99.9997% survival rate
of COVID patients, and families of deceased
20 to 29 years: 99.997% survival rate patients who were reported as having died of
the virus.
30 to 39 years: 99.989% survival rate
A population that was increasingly
40 to 49 years: 99.965% survival rate
38 Discover Smith Mountain Lake WINTER 2022