Page 42 - Discover Winter 2023
P. 42


      self-isolated was now encouraged to avoid               guidance and assistance. A more suspicious

      physical contact with one another altogether.           person would also likely wonder how these

      That wasn’t enough. Businesses were forced              rules might effect our elections.
      to close or reduce their operations. People
                                                                     No, I’m not an election denier. I don’t
      were forced to wear cloth masks that we
                                                              think Donald Trump colluded with the
      were told would limit the spread of the virus.
                                                              Russians. I also don’t think that Stacy Abrams
      Never mind that the openings in the fabric of
                                                              had the governorship of Georgia stolen from
      most of these masks were many times larger
                                                              her. In fact, there is clear evidence to support
      than the virus. The argument was that these
                                                              my opinion. A more suspicious person might
      masks would stop the spread of the virus by
                                                              get the wild idea that all the relaxed voting
      containing droplets from sneezes and coughs.
                                                              rules in 2020 allowed for questionable results.
              So if one is neither coughing nor
                                                                     Isn’t it perfectly reasonable to assume
      sneezing, it stands to reason that a mask isn’t
                                                              that a man who has difficulty speaking
      necessary. Yet, we were told, asymptomatic
                                                              in coherent sentences would be the most
      people needed to wear masks. Aren’t
                                                              popular man EVER to run for President?
      coughing and sneezing symptoms? Forgive
                                                              Never mind that he had a long track record of
      my ignorance if they aren’t. Remember, this
                                                              accomplishing nothing productive in his life
      is all part of an effort to save your life… from
                                                              save getting himself elected to public office.
      a disease which is statistically unlikely to kill
                                                              Never mind that in previous attempts to
                                                              run for President, he had never won a single

              Some people who did not fear COVID              primary. Never mind that the mainstream
      were shamed into compliance because                     media had exposed him numerous times for

      anyone who did not follow the strict rules              plagiarism, misrepresenting his personal
      was endangering the lives of people who were            history, and uttering racist comments.

      following those rules… a contention whose
                                                                     What’s important is that we had the
      logic escapes me.
                                                              most secure election in history. That scares

              If I were the suspicious type who did           me, because it means that past elections were
      not implicitly trust my government and the              nowhere near as secure. If we knew that our

      motives of those who act under its auspices,            elections were not secure, how did we know?
      I might wonder why was all this dread fear              And how do we know that this one had been

      engendered? I might consider it an attempt              the most secure in history? Let me gaze into
      to sabotage the economy, in the hope that               my crystal ball… no, wait… let me turn on the

      people would blindly turn to government for             TV and let it tell me what to think without

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