Page 34 - Discover Winter 2023
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Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED
W eeder ’ s Digest CONTINUED
good reason to do it. The more nectar-rich and and then spins a white cocoon, which is affixed
colorful your garden is, the better. Planting to exterior of the worm. These wasps are known
native species is a bonus… also providing a as parasitoids: parasites that kill their hosts, so
water source like a bird bath will help. So even don't kill the caterpillar when the white objects
if you don't use herbs like dill, they are excellent are visible, as the hatched wasps will decrease
attractors. tomato hornworm populations. Instead, simply
move them to a place that is far away from your
Along with that, by all means you need
to be careful with pesticides. I'm afraid that we
often do harm to the vital workers by either There are self-fertilizing vegetables such
spraying at the wrong times, or using ones that tomatoes, green peppers, eggplant, green beans
linger long after application. Naturally, we mean and sweet peas, but they still need the pollen
to protect our investments, but we should avoid to be vibrated in order to release it. Wind can
the use of products like insecticidal dust, which do the job of cross-pollination, but bumble bees
kill pretty much everything they touch. Instead, do the best job when hovering over flowers, in
seek out organic options such as neem oil, or what’s called ‘musical pollination’.
products containing Spinosad as the active
When we think of squash, zucchini and
ingredient. In its liquid form, it will kill insects
cucumbers, these plants have separate male and
upon contact, but when dry, it will only affect
female flowers on the same plant. As the plants
the insects that chew on the plant. Therefore, it
mature, there may be only male flowers in the
will do no harm to friendly visitors.
beginning, but when they're ready, they will then
The use of pesticides also eliminates many produce female flowers, ready for pollination and
beneficial insects that prey on the unwanted, fruit production.
such as lady bugs, lace wings, and prey mantis.
As much as we like to imagine that
It may surprise you to learn that the many
we're in control of food production with all of
wasps visiting your garden are actually beneficial
our knowledge and experience, at the end of
predators. They are not great pollinators, due
the day, we're still at Mother Nature’s mercy.
to the fact that they don't possess soft hairs
Poor fruit set certainly can be caused by a lack
on their bodies. Bees and butterflies carry
of pollinators, but it may also be due to poor
pollen from flower to flower because the pollen
watering practices, temperature fluctuations,
sticks to those soft hairs. However, the value of
and fertilizer insufficiency.
wasps is that they are great hunters. They act
as natural biocontrol agents, protecting crops So while you may be up on proper
by preying on caterpillars, aphids and others. gardening techniques, don’t forget to give
In fact, the large green tomato hornworm is a due consideration to pollinators… after all…
host for the Braconid wasp, which lays it eggs Butterflies are Free.
under the skin of the caterpillar. When the wasp
You can reach Bob Siren by email: GardenGab@
nymph hatches, it eats its way to the surface,
32 Discover Smith Mountain Lake WINTER 2022