Page 37 - Discover Winter 2023
P. 37

Nothing to                                          FEAR

                                                                                              By Tim Ernandes

               President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is           mind that people lost their livelihoods, people
        famous for saying, “We have nothing to fear             were shut out of schools and businesses, and

        but fear itself.”                                       in some cases, essential medical treatment was
                                                                denied. None of that mattered, because we
               President Ronald Reagan is famous
                                                                were facing a serious disease, from which only
        for saying, “The most terrifying words in
                                                                99.5% of people aged 60 to 65 would survive.
        the English language are: I’m from the
                                                                (Survival rates were higher among younger
        government, and I’m here to help.”

               Standing alone, each of those
                                                                       On February 4, 1976, a young soldier
        statements rings true for many of us. When
                                                                died of swine flu. Shortly thereafter, F. David
        taken together, they paint a remarkable
                                                                Matthews, the U.S. secretary of health,
        picture of the status quo. Throughout history,
                                                                education and welfare, predicted that an
        despotic rulers have often relied on the use
                                                                epidemic of that flu would arise in the fall of
        of fear as a motivator. Winston Smith, the
                                                                that year.
        protagonist in Orwell’s novel 1984, is tortured

        by a state inquisitor. He uses his knowledge of                “The indication is that we will see a

        Smith’s greatest fear to get him to succumb to          return of the 1918 flu virus that is the most
        the will of the state.                                  virulent form of flu,” he said. He cited the
                                                                1918 outbreak of “Spanish flu”, which had
               If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the
                                                                killed half a million Americans. He foretold
        events of the past two years in this country
                                                                of a coming apocalypse that would claim a
        were built on that same premise. Most of
                                                                million American lives.
        us fear serious illness and death. If I didn’t

        know that the people who run this country                      That announcement was based on
        have only the noblest intentions, I’d be rather         research from our old friends at the Centers

        suspicious of the whole reaction to the recent          for Disease Control. They believed that this
        pandemic.                                               was a new, even deadlier strain, one that bore

                                                                a genetic similarity to the 1918 strain.
               As we all know, the government took
        swift and sure action to save our lives. Never                 The CDC’s prescription at the time

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