eams of scientists have long
been baffled at the bumblebee’s
capability of flight. As someone once
pointed out, “It’s a good thing nobody
told the bumblebee that it couldn’t fly.”
Indeed, the ability to fly seems
beyond the reach of many of us, for any
number of reasons. Just don’t tell Ray
Judd that. Ray first took to the air some
30 years ago, when his wife Lorraine
bought him flying lessons for his 55th
birthday. His youthful excitement soon
rubbed off on Lorraine.
“After Ray took his first hour-long
lesson, he spent twice that time talking
about it,” she recalls. “He was as
enthusiastic as a kid, and I found it was
catching. I admit I took my first lesson
for Ray, but every one after that was for
Since then, the Judds have ‘adopted’
“Little Lady”, a 1967 Mooney M20-C,
which they have lovingly refurbished,
and is now based at the New London
Airport. In 1992, they became part of
the Young Eagles program. That year,
they attended the annual Oshkosh
Fly-In, which is sponsored by the
Experimental Aircraft Association. A
tent that had been set up to promote the
Young Eagles caught their attention,
and mildly curious, they went in.
Information on display explained
the program, which was designed
to promote interest in flying among
young people, from 8 years old up
until the age of 18. They agreed that
this was a fine thing to do… and made
their way to the exit. At this point, they
were stopped by a woman who asked
if they’d like to learn more about the
program. More out of courtesy than
anything else, they listened to her pitch,
and although it did sound interesting to
them, they explained that they lived in
Virginia, where the program did not
have a chapter.
Her persistence made it clear that
their only polite means of exit was to
sign up for the program. So they did,
not expecting it to lead to much, if
By Tim Ernandes
On a warm summer afternoon in 2002, I bundled two young boys
into my car, and took them to the Smith Mountain Lake Airport.
Ray and Lorraine Judd had been after me for some time to bring
my son, Alex, and my nephew, Nickolas, to participate in the Young
Eagles program. It was an exciting day for the boys, and for me as
well, since I got to ride along, and Ray even let me take the controls
for a bit. At the time, I was not fully aware of the length and breadth
of the Young Eagles program, nor could I have imagined the impact
that it would have on so many young people.
The Fellowship of the Wing
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Summer 2014