Hello Bob,
Really enjoyed the new article in the Spring edition of the magazine. I
assume “red shad” is the Culprit product. But wondered who makes the “firecracker
and rainbow” colors you refer to in the article. Have you heard any chatter from
the fishermen about the impact of the grass carp DGIF put in the lake? Some
folks think these grass hogs will eventually eat down to root level causing muddy
waters, especially in Bull Run and Little Bull Run. As you know the grass provides
a nursery for the bass fry. I wonder if APCO is allowing brush structure by
landowners to compensate for this change-over from grass nursery to woody type
structure. DGIF wants the structure in about 10’ of water. The State Park has put
many different structures in the water around the park but I don’t know how they
worked. Do you have any idea? Really looking forward to your next article.
I saw Dale Wilson the other day. I am a big guy like Dale used to be, but
he looked like he lost over 100 lbs. I know he is still guiding but wondered about
his health ? I have chatted with him occasionally over the years but don’t know him
personally. Between you two folks, all lake knowledge exists. Stay healthy.
Many Thanks,
Jim Jensen
Dear Tim,
I always enjoy Discover Smith Mountain Lake, but the Spring 2014 was
exceptional. I loved reading about Diamond Hill General Store and what the Brodts
have done to the old store. Even though Christine and Carl Brodt are good friends,
I learned things in “Walls Reveal Secrets” by Kate Hofstetter in your magazine that
I had never heard. Good job, Kate! And a few pages later was “The Longest Walk
of His Life,” again by Kate Hofstetter! I don’t know Paul Eveland, but after reading
the article I felt like I knew him. Good job, Kate! And then I turned the page and
discovered “Hugging The Family Tree” by Charles Alexander, which featured my
good friends Lib and Charlie Walker! Again I learned things I’d never heard. Good
job, Charles!
And good job, Tim, for putting out such a great magazine. You are
appreciated more than you know.
Sally Roseveare
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Summer 2014