Discover Magazine Summer 14 - page 21

Last Issue’s Brain Teaser:
edited by Gerald Muus
Last issue’s puzzle dealt with bags of jelly beans that were used
in an Easter egg hunt. The committee in charge had requested
donations of jelly beans from 3 different merchants. Each donated
10 bags of jelly beans. When the hunt was concluded, 25 bags of
jelly beans had been used, with 5 bags remaining. The chairman
decided to return the 5 unused bags, but since there were three
merchants, he could not refund each merchant equally. So he
decided to return one bag each to the merchants, and keep the
other two bags for the committee to share.
The question: If each merchant had donated 10 bags, and was
refunded one, that meant each had donated a total of 9 bags. 9 x
3 = 27… plus the two bags that the committee kept: 27 + 2 = 29…
what happened to the other bag?
Our extremely perceptive winner,
GrantWest of Moneta
, explains:
Mischievous Elves
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Summer 2014
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