Page 52 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 52

What’s Up Doc? CONTINUED
      R e ig n o f T e rr o r C O NTINUED

      the day old bread.”                                     important role in saving the lives of several
                                                              English pilots whose planes were shot down.
             Compared to their countrymen in the
      north, Tini said her town fared well during                    Members of the resistance would hide
      the war. It helped that it was a rural area with        the pilots, and then sneak them into Belgium
      several farms. In northern Holland they were            and from there back to the UK. She is not sure
      eating tulip bulbs to keep from starving, and           how many they saved, but she believes that
      grinding them up into flour for bread.                  there were several. In her hometown there
                                                              is a labyrinth of caverns, caves, and miles of
             Like many other countries during World           corridors. These were formed by the mining of
      War II, food and other things were rationed in          a type of sandstone that is used for buildings.
      Holland. Tini remembers her mother trading              It is also what is used to make chalk. These
      sugar stamps for staples with other wives.              mines date back to 1050, when workers first
      Shoes, too, were rationed. And so she found             began removing the sandstone, or “mergel”
      herself wearing the traditional wooden clogs            as it is called, and used it to build villages. It
      that the Dutch people have worn for centuries,          is also referred to as “marl”, and according to
      and still wear today for jobs such as working in        online sources, it is the remains of decomposed
      the garden or in wet areas.
                                                              aquatic life, sand and shells.
             “We put straw inside the shoes in the                   Tini’s childhood home was made from
      winter to keep our feet warm,” she said, “And           this sandstone. “You can actually scratch it
      my father tacked pieces of leather across the           loose with your fingernail,” George said, “It is
      bottom of them so they wouldn’t make so                 so soft.”
      much noise when I walked.”
                                                                     Still, the material holds up well as a
             Teenage boys posed a possible threat             building block. In fact, all of the buildings in
      to the German soldiers, so two of Tini’s older          Tini’s hometown, which she says are quite old,
      brothers were picked-up by the Gestapo                  are made from mergel, and they all appear
      and sent to work camps, along with others               to be as sturdy as if they were made from
      in the town. The family did not know the                granite. Mergel contains calcium carbonate the
      whereabouts of one of their sons for two years,         same material that is in the chalk that is used
      until he was able to escape and return home.
                                                              on blackboards. In fact, the “chalk” houses
             “One day the butcher brought my                  and “velvet” caves of Valkenburg are tourist
      mother a big cut of meat, and told her she              attractions today, and have been for hundreds
      would need it to celebrate the return of her            of years.
      son. ‘He has escaped from a work camp up                       A major reason why these underground
      north’ he told her, and would be returning              caves are so popular with tourists is because
      home in a day or two. We were so happy. We              their walls are covered with pictures that have
      had such a celebration then. For two years we           been drawn or painted over the years, dating
      did not know where he was.”
                                                              back to Roman times up to and through World
             The oldest brother was with the                  War II. There are also several relief carvings
      resistance, and managed not to get caught               in the cave walls. Today, Christmas marts are
      by living underground in caves. Although                setup in the caves and are big drawing cards for
      her brother seldom spoke of his work with               shoppers and tourists.
      the resistance after the war ended, she knew                   The fact that the caves maintain a
      that those brave men and women played an
                                                              constant temperature of 12 degrees Celsius

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