Page 56 - Discover Spring 2021
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Reign of Terror CONTINUED

              Although news regarding the war was                    She remembered one soldier in
      kept from the people, updates managed to                particular who was from Washington State,
      leak out and were passed word of mouth from             and had come to visit her and George after his
      one household to the next. The word was that            wife died.
      Germany was losing the war, and would soon
      surrender. Such news also typically reaches the                “He was always so quiet. I didn’t
      ears of children, no matter how careful parents         think we would see him once he went back
      try to be. Perhaps that is what made Tini, who          home. But he told us he would come with his
      was now nearly eleven years old, brave enough           grandchildren, and he did.”
      to say to a soldier as she passed him in the                   Over the years she has kept in touch
      street, “There is nothing to eat anymore in             with several others of the soldiers who
      Germany.”                                               liberated her town. One was from California,

             With those words the soldier, furious            another from Ohio, and another from New
      by the cheekiness of the child, reached out             Orleans. The men from Ohio and New Orleans
      and slapped her in the face. Obviously, she             also came to visit her family.
      was speaking the truth and that is why he was                  Besides the joy and gratitude of
      so upset. Also, perhaps she said it a bit more          being liberated from the hated Nazis, Tini
      jubilantly than the soldier liked.                      remembers the GIs passing out candy to the

             Then, one day, as quickly as they had            children, even throwing it from the train
      come, the Germans left, raiding the belongings          windows as they rode through town. Also, she
      of the townspeople one last time before                 said, it was the first time that she had ever
      leaving, and then destroying all the bridges.           tasted white bread when the Americans came.
                                                              It seemed to be a memory that was even more
             “A river runs through the town,” Tini            pleasant than the chocolate that the soldiers
      explained “so every house had a bridge to it.           had passed out.
      The Germans blew them all up.”
                                                                     The war ended with the unconditional
             On the heels of the Germans’ retreat,            surrender of Germany in May of 1945. At
      in September, 1944, the Americans lumbered              about that same time, two of the townspeople
      into view with tanks that were too large to             were shot for spying on their fellow townsmen,
      pass through the “gates” leading into town.             while some others had their heads shaved, to
      So, the liberation of Valkenburg by the 30th            shame them for their behavior toward their
      Infantry Division was delayed by a couple of            fellow countrymen during the occupation.
      hours, until they found a way to bring the
      motorcade into town.                                           Tini and George have been back to
                                                              Valkenburg several times since the war ended.
             A German sniper had stayed behind                Tini has nieces and nephews still living there.
      long enough to kill the first American soldier          But, she says, “My family is here in the USA.”
      to cross the bridge that day, Tini said. But he
      was caught. As you can imagine, the people                     Tini and George have three daughters:
      celebrated the arrival of the American troops           Zita who lives in Richmond, Rose who lives in
      and welcomed them into their homes.                     Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, and Lisa, who is
                                                              a resident of Smith Mountain Lake and works
             “Many times there were four or five              at Bayside Marina. Tini also has one surviving
      American soldiers in our house at one time,”            brother still in Holland who is 88 years old.
      Tini said. “They would bring food and my
      mother would cook for them.”

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