Page 50 - Discover Spring 2021
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Reign of Terror CONTINUED

      working as a nanny for a lawyer with eleven                      Both McGovern and Humphrey were
      kids; four would be a snap by comparison. There          Senators at the time. Humphrey would go on to
      was a catch, however: She would have to leave            become vice-president to Lyndon Johnson and
      Holland and move to Chevy Chase, MD in the               he narrowly missed beating Richard Nixon for
      USA. She had come to know many Americans                 the presidency in the 1968 election. But, that
      after they liberated her town during the Nazi            is another story. It was her remembrances of
      occupation, and she liked them, so she agreed.           the occupation of her native country that we
                                                               came to hear... the injustices that she saw and
             Once in America, Tini attended a young            experienced before her eleventh birthday, and
      adult club sponsored by her church. It was               that she still remembers.
      widely attended by other new immigrants like
      herself. She went there to make friends, and                     The Gestapo ruled with an iron fist. They
      that is where she met George, who was born in            took whatever they needed or wanted, and if
      the USA and raised in Pennsylvania. He readily           you resisted you were gambling with your life.
      admits that the reason he went to the club was           Her uncle’s van, that he used to deliver baked
      to meet girls. It worked. Almost immediately,            goods, was confiscated. If they needed your
      the two noticed each other, and the attraction           bicycle, they ordered you to turn it over. If they
      was mutual. It wasn’t long before they were              liked a horse you owned, they took it. Likewise,
      finding excuses to leave the group and meet in           farmers had to hand over fruits and vegetables
      the kitchen.                                             from their gardens along with eggs and chickens
                                                               or pork. The soldiers ate for free, and they ate
             “George gave me our first kiss in that            first. The farmers’ families got what was left
      kitchen,” Tini giggles as she confesses this, “And       over, or what little they could safely hide.
      my face turned red. That’s what George liked...
      my face turning red... so every time I would go                  Once, following a heavy snowfall, Tini
      into the kitchen he would follow me and kiss             and her brother were sledding. A German
      me.”                                                     soldier, trying to impress a young woman, took
                                                               her brother’s sled and gave it to the woman for
             It was good for him that he followed her,         her to use.
      as there was an Irish chap who had his eye on
      her too.                                                         “My brother was a hot-head so he took
                                                               it back...away from the woman,” Tini said.
             “She was quite kissable,” George said,            Apparently, the young woman didn’t object too
      “And I did like to see her blush.”
                                                               strongly, as her brother, who was 16 years old
             Tini loved her job as a “glorified nanny”,        at the time and certainly no match for an armed
      and she grew to love the children. In fact, she is       soldier, was successful in reclaiming his sled.
      still in touch with three of them. The fourth died               “We were lucky; we always had day-old
      recently. While she was living in Chevy Chase            bread to eat,” Tini said, “Because of my uncle’s
      and raising the children, she met and befriended         bakery. Plus my father worked at the co-op food
      Senator Hubert Humphrey.
                                                               store. Also, my father’s friend was a farmer.
             “He said we were soulmates, because               We would walk three kilometers (a little less
      we have the same first name. Hubert and                  than two miles) every day to get to the farm
      Hubertina. He and his wife, Muriel, were                 and work. Then the farmer would give us fresh
      so nice to me.” She was also neighbors with              vegetables and fruit. But soon the Gestapo
      George McGovern and his large family of five             began taking the food we had worked to grow,
      rambunctious kids.                                       so we didn’t have as much. But we always had

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