Page 47 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 47

a significant heavy weather event.  Take a             those with cyclonic rotation.
         look at your own shoreline.  Will you be
                                                                The key is staying informed and ahead
         contributing to the debris danger?
                                                                during potential high water events.  You can
         -  Keep petroleum products and other                   visit and select:  “Community”,
         environmental hazards secured and above                “Recreation & Well Being”, “Learn”,
         800 feet  Mean Sea Level  to prevent                   and look under “Hydro Plant Levels &
         pollutants from getting into the lake.                 Flows”.  You will find SML  and Leesville
                                                                Lake under “Roanoke River”.  Check
         -  Secure power at your dock and at the
                                                                “plant-specific notices” to see what AEP
         source before the lake exceeds Full Pond (795
                                                                sees and is anticipating.  Current and
         feet Mean Sea Level).  Avoid going on to
                                                                historical lake levels can also be found at
         your submerged dock.  If you must wade out
                                                        Most reports
         refrain from touching your boat lifts, dock
                                                                reference “Full Pond” so take the time to
         floater pipes or other metal to avoid potential
                                                                mark that level as your visual reference.
         electrical shock issues.
                                                                                  AEP releases alerts through
         -  High water events drive                                               local TV and radio outlets,
         lake water quality down,                                                 as well as keeping an
         and can inadvertently cause                                              active Appalachian Power
         contaminants to enter the                                                Facebook Page if high water
         lake.  This is a prudent time to                                         is anticipated. It is easy to
         avoid direct contact.                                                    stay informed.

         -  Know your boat’s height                                               Okay, so there might be one
         and bridge clearance heights                                             (and that’s a big maybe)
         compared to actual water                                                 negative to living at SML.
         level.  If a boat floats off its                                         High water events are so
         cradle, it can be crushed in                                             few and far between that
         your dock’s rafters as the lake rises. This            we forget to stay informed and maintain our
         requires prior knowledge of your boat’s                situational awareness. Maybe keep this issue
         clearance, and an early decision to pull your          of Discover SML in a handy place, and do
         boat out and tie it up to your floater to ride         a little pre-planning before the next “creek
         out the storm.                                         rises”.  Let us take a bigger perspective:  for
                                                                those who live down stream, SML can be
         AEP has historically done a remarkable job
                                                                considered a blessing.  Our lake has the
         of lake level control during heavy weather.
                                                                capacity and the capability of holding back
         As residents and guests, we must understand
                                                                water to protect our neighbors in heavy
         that there is a balancing act that has to go on
         during these events to try to keep SML level
         in check, while protecting life and property           Spring is here and the boating season is upon
         downstream through other lakes, developed
                                                                us.  Boat with awareness and courtesy.  Place
         areas, and tributaries, starting with Leesville
                                                                the safety of yourself and all others number one
         Lake.  This gets harder when heavy weather
         hits east of SML first loading up areas                and take pride in sharing our lake. SMLWSC
         downstream.  It goes without saying:  storms
         don’t always develop as forecasted, especially

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