Page 49 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 49

Reign of Terror


                                                                                             By Kate Hofstetter

               On May 10, 1940, Dutch residents                 needed. Most of their food they grew and
        observed German bombers flying overhead                 preserved themselves. However, as the war
        toward the North Sea. They weren’t alarmed,             continued, rations began to run short, and
        as that was the route the Germans always took           the occupying soldiers took what the nuns had
        when they dropped bombs on England. This                produced, leaving them to face hunger. Nazis
        time, however, the planes made a 180 degree             were known to distrust and dislike Catholics,
        turn, flew back, and attacked the Netherlands.          and believed them to be less than patriotic.
                                                                Although he was raised as a Catholic, Hitler
               Hubertina “Tinika” Philippi was six              did not want Catholics as part of his country’s
        years old when German soldiers invaded her              population
        village in the Limburg Province of Holland.
        They seized control of every government                        Memories of those days are still vivid to
        building, hotel and anything else they                  Hubertina, now 86 years old, and a resident
        wanted, including her school. All of that was           of Smith Mountain Lake for the past 20 years.
        accomplished easily, because the town’s mayor           She is better known to her many friends
        was a Nazi sympathizer.                                 as “Tini”. She changed her last name from
                                                                Philippi to Bower 57 years ago, when she
               Today, nearly 80 years later, she still          married George Bower, who was an employee
        remembers the curfews, the black-outs, the              with the GAO (Government Accountability
        bombings, and the 28 Jewish families who                Office) and a student at George Washington
        were picked up by the Gestapo (the political            University, where he attended night classes to
        police of the Nazi party) and never seen again.         earn his degree.
        She also remembers the fear that permeated
        the lives of villagers due to the cruelty of the               Tini came to the US in 1961 as
        Gestapo, who were known terrorists. Her                 governess to the four young children of
        small rural village, called Valkenburg, would           an attaché with the US Department of
        be occupied for over four years by the SS and           Agriculture. The children’s mother had died,
        Gestapo.                                                and the man was remarried. His new wife
                                                                had no experience caring for or mothering
               During that occupation, her parish               children, so he decided to hire a governess
        priest was whisked away to Auschwitz prison,            (“glorified nanny”, as Tini likes to say). Also,
        where he spent four years because he said               a governess would free up his new wife to
        something from the pulpit that offended                 travel with him on the many trips that his
        the Nazis. When he finally returned, she                job required. Those trips had quickly become
        remembers, he was a broken man. For their               tiresome to the children. Tini had plenty of
        own protection, the nuns did not leave the              experience with youngsters, as she was from a
        convent during the entire occupation. Instead,          family of eight: six boys and two girls. Shortly
        villagers brought them the food that they               before applying for the position, she had been

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