Page 44 - Discover Spring 2021
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Helping Hands CONTINUED
and Franklin. as well as referrals for domestic violence
resources, substance abuse treatment,
In view of the conditions caused by
transportation, childcare, and cellphone
the pandemic, LCM’s accomplishments
and internet needs.
over the past year were amazing: 182,440
meals were provided to nearly 10,000 “Our neighbors need our help,”
people, representing a 14 percent increase Jane added, “We’re asking local residents
over the previous year; nearly $200,000 in to please support us again this year by
financial aid helped local residents with participating in RVG day.”
housing, utilities, dental, and medical bills.
She went on to express her gratitude
Nearly 900 individuals benefited, which
for a commitment, made weeks ago by a
is a 74 percent increase over 2019. This
supportive Smith Mountain Lake family,
is only a partial list of the charity’s many
to donate a “matching fund” challenge of
$10,000. This means that the donor will
Although the pandemic caused match donations, dollar for dollar, enabling
the cancellation of the classes conducted the organization to double donations for
at the facility, LCM volunteers assisted the first $10,000.
with job searches, Medicaid enrollments,
“This is a great start, Jane said, “and we are
unemployment filings, searches for
extremely grateful.”
affordable housing, and home repairs,
42 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SPRING 2021