Page 9 - Discover Fall 2022
P. 9
Who Cares?
They Do!
By Charles Alexander
Philippians 2:4. not looking to your own Shortly afterward, Julie Watts was hired
interests but each of you to the interests of the as the Parish Nurse, to be shared by both
others. RCC and TEP. She was put in charge of
the Ministry of Caring, and was asked to
While attending a funeral recently,
coordinate a group of volunteers who would
I remarked to a visitor that we are an
provide assistance to people who were dealing
ecumenical community. Rather than focusing
with medical or personal issues. Ministry of
on our differences, we celebrate that which we
Caring provides short term help for people in
all share in common.
urgent need, and it’s done through a network
Resurrection Catholic Church was formed of volunteers, called “Care Leaders”. Each of
in a local living room. Thanks to a generous them is assigned to his or her local area, to
offer from the folks at Bethlehem United look after their neighbors.
Methodist Church, the budding parish began
For example, if someone was recovering
holding services in the BUMC sanctuary,
from surgery and was house bound, a MOC
eventually erecting their own church building.
volunteer would provide transportation to
In a desire to continue this tradition, RCC
doctor appointments. Or perhaps that person
paid it forward, by inviting the newly formed
may be unable to drive temporarily, and
Trinity Ecumenical Parish to use their
would need a ride to church for a few weeks.
sanctuary to begin holding services. Since
They may provide meals, transportation, light
then, the two churches have been inexorably
cleaning, light yard work, run errands, or just
linked in the spirit of community service.
pay personal visits, depending on individual
A strong bond had thus formed between needs. They send each parishioner a Christmas
the congregations of both churches. Pastor post card every year, just to stay in touch.
Gary Scheidt and Sister Betty Bagan, the
They drew geographic areas on a map of the
leaders of both parishes, decided that they
lake, forming 22 Ministry of Caring zones,
would form a Health Board to jointly meet
with approximately 20 parish families in each.
the needs of their constituents. It was in this
Each of these areas was supervised by a Care
very spirit of cooperation that the Ministry of
Leader (formerly known as a Community
Caring came into being, over 25 years ago.
Leader) who would identify those who were
John 12:26. Whoever serves me must follow in need, and coordinate volunteers to provide
me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My services.
Father will honor the one who serves me.
Julie eventually left her position as Parish 7