Page 10 - Discover Fall 2022
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Who Cares They Do! CONTINUED
Nurse, and was replaced by Tami Akin, That said, some volunteers do elect to go
who retired in 2020, at the beginning of the above and beyond what is asked of them, but
COVID pandemic. MOC services were they do so completely at their own discretion.
necessarily suspended during that time,
Originally, MOC Care Leaders would
but after a decline in the transmission rate,
contact parishioners in their assigned areas
they resumed. Naturally, this required the
twice a year by phone, but with the advent of
adoption of safety precautions, especially
technology, it is now often done via e-mail,
when providing meals.
text, and electronic cards. These regular
Neither church has elected to continue contacts are designed to remind folks about
using a parish nurse, so the duties of running MOC, as well as to check up on people who
MOC have recently been assumed by JoAnn may need them. They are now in the process
Ackermann of strategizing
of RCC, and for expanding
Becki Fuzi of MOC services,
TEP. JoAnn updating lists of
coordinates parishioners, and
Bedford using creative
County, and new means of
Becki is in expanding public
charge of awareness of
Franklin MOC.
Naturally, many
As the volunteers have
lake area discovered that acts
population has grown, the need for Care of service to others can be their own reward.
Leaders has necessarily increased. There are They tell stories of how they have been
now 40 Care Leaders, who serve 692 families touched by their experiences. In one case, a
with the help of 166 volunteers. In the past very nice lady suffered a fall, which resulted
3 years, there has been significant turnover in fractures and other injuries. Her Care
in the ranks, as well as a 38% increase in the Leader went to the hospital with her, paying
number of Care Leaders. Therefore, MOC her subsequent visits later on, even including
has a lot of new faces, so JoAnn and Becki an overnight stay. She kept in contact with
are very busy ladies, and they could use even this lady’s family, keeping them up to date
more help. on her condition. Several other Care Leaders
sent her get well cards while she was in a
One of the challenges that they face is to
rehabilitation facility.
make sure that their volunteers understand
that MOC is designed to provide temporary In another case, a gentleman with a
help, and direct their clients to more long memory condition was taken to the hospital
term solutions if needed. This ensures that because of his behavioral issues. Because his
the volunteers are able to address the needs of wife doesn’t drive, MOC volunteers provided
their neighbors without being overwhelmed. her with transportation to the hospital, and
8 Discover Smith Mountain Lake FALL 2022