Page 20 - Discover Fall 2022
P. 20

Fisherman’s Almanac CONTINUED
      F is he rma n ’ s Alma nac C O NTINUED
       memories.  We still fish the same waters               captains, before delivering the fish to club

       as we did when I was just six years old.               volunteers for cleaning.  All in all, most
       Whenever possible, I get my dad’s great-               of the children had caught at least one

       grandsons on the water, to fish and crab               fish. They caught catfish, largemouth bass,
       alongside him, while I photograph those                and of course the sought-after striped
       young smiles. How many kids can share                  bass.  For those who wished to take their

       memories like that? Here at home on                    catches home for dinner, the volunteers
       SML, I take my neighbor’s children and                 packed them in plastic bags with ice, and

       grandchildren out on the lake for a fishing            stored them in insulated coolers for the
       experience.  No matter what we fish for or             ride home. They were even given simple
       with whom we fish, there is nothing like               recipes to help them prepare and enjoy

       the smile on a child’s face after landing              their catch. As the fish were being cleaned,
       their first fish, especially if it happens to be  the children and crew were treated to
       a 30 inch striped bass. I have seen many of            breakfast sandwiches and drinks donated

       those smiles; it is a very rewarding feeling           by Wendy’s, while they were educated by a
       when you can make that happen.                         Virginia Fish and Game Officer, followed
              That is why, when the Smith                     by a quick question and answer period.

       Mountain Striper Club asked me to                      Prior to the close of the event, each child
       organize our first Reel Connections for                was presented with a shirt, a fishing rod,

       Kids event, I jumped at the opportunity.               and a tackle box to take home with them,
       Our first event took place on June 25th,               with the hope they will continue to pursue
       2022.  It was a huge success, with seven               this newly acquired passion.

       professional guides and sixteen very                          All of this was made possible by
       excited children. (You can view those who              our very generous community.  Our event

       donated their time on our Facebook page.)              banner identifies all of the local businesses
       Several boats left various locations around            and professionals who were kind enough
       the lake at daybreak.  They fished for a               to sponsor a boat or make a monetary

       few hours while learning about the lake,               donation.  We hope we can count on their
       conservation, boating safety, and fishing              support again as we prepare for our next
       techniques.  To keep the kids motivated,               event.

       they had brought along plenty of snacks,                      Today, there are still many kids who
       juice boxes and water, donated by Kroger               have not yet been introduced to this sport,
       and Food Lion.                                         or offered a chance to create this kind of

              The boats all returned to Crazy                 lifelong memory. That is why we plan to
       Horse Marina. The young anglers took                   host this event on a yearly basis.  We know

       pictures with their catches and their                  the joy that a single trip out on the water

      18     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2022
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