Page 19 - Discover Fall 2022
P. 19

would get the opportunity to set sail on                pointed and said, “there it is, the bridge --
        a fishing or crabbing trip with Uncle                   and it’s all ours.”  We tied up the boat and

        Mickey.  So when I finally got the chance               scrambled onto the bridge with our traps,
        to go, my focus was on that 13 foot boat                nets, and baskets, staking our claim for the
        that was now floating at my feet, and                   day.

        nothing else.  It might have only been                         We would bait our traps with oily
        13 feet long, but to me, it was a yacht.                moss bunker, an inedible bait fish, and

        Sporting my life jacket, sun screen and bug             slowly drop them into the water so as not
        spray, I was ready to go.  All aboard!                  to scare off the crabs.  The water was fairly
               Our plan was to catch Maryland                   clear, and not very deep, so we could watch

        blue claw crabs that day. The under-                    the crabs slowly circle the traps before
        bellies of the male crabs are pearl white,              entering. With a quick tug on the rope, the
        with the most beautiful blue colored                    doors of the trap would slam shut, locking

        claws. We navigated our way through                     the crabs inside.  As I would raise the trap
        the back marshes of Barnegat Bay to an                  to the walkway of the bridge, I could feel
        old dilapidated wooden cable bridge that                the crabs clawing at the doors, like caged

        crossed one of the larger creeks.  Most of              gorillas seeking freedom. The crabs were
        the rails on the bridge were missing. Some              transferred to our bushel baskets, and the

        of the steps were broken, and the bridge                traps went back into the water for another
        swayed from left to right as you crossed it.            catch.  It didn’t take long to fill that basket.
        Surely this bridge would not be OSHA                           That day was the start of my passion

        approved. Regardless, this is the place                 for crabbing and fishing. I will always
        where you wanted to be for crabs, and it                be thankful to my uncle for taking the

        was our mission to be the first crabbers on             time to bring me along, giving me this
        the bridge.  Once there, we would plant                 lifelong memory.  Unfortunately, he passed
        our proverbial flag, and prepare to ward off            less than a year later, but the memories

        other “invaders”.                                       continued with my dad and brother, and
               I remember sitting on my uncle’s                 the purchase of our own family boat. For
        lap as we soared through the marsh,                     most youngsters, that first trip, whether it

        making hairpin turns.  There were no                    is to go crabbing or fishing, will inspire a
        other boats in sight, which was good news               memory that will last a lifetime.
        as we pushed towards the bridge.  Every                        Fifty plus years later, I am making it

        curve brought new sights: giant snapping                my mission to get as many young children
        turtles retreating from the banks, emerald-             as possible involved in this exciting sport.

        green-headed mallard ducks, and snowy-                  I am paying forward the same opportunity
        white egrets taking flight as we rudely                 that Uncle Mickey (and my dad) had given
        invaded their “bedrooms”. As we quickly                 me so many years earlier.   My dad, who is

        approached our final turn, my uncle                     now 92, is responsible for so many of my

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