Page 18 - Discover Fall 2022
P. 18

It’s an early Saturday morning as                 and take notice of such a morning, if in fact

      my uncle slides the Boston Whaler slowly                 a similar scenario would be playing out on
      down the ramp.  Ripples push outward,                    any particular Saturday morning many years

      shattering the mirror-like surface of                    later. However, remembering this beautiful
      Barnegat Bay, NJ. The sun peeks over the                 sunrise was the furthest thing from the
      horizon, with its morning rays dancing                   mind of the 6 or 7 year old lad standing on

      on the crests, in an attempt to diminish                 the dock that morning. I am positive that I
      the slightest amount of a morning fog.                   do not remember, nor could I describe the
      The orange-red shimmer of the rising sun                 sunrise on that particular day long ago, but

      reflects off the light house, “Old Barney,”              the remainder of the day is etched in my
      signaling the start of a promising new day.              brain 50 some years later.
      This occurrence might cause one to pause                        I was the youngest of the boys who

            Almanac                                                                          by Ken Britske

      16     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2022
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