Page 16 - Discover Fall 2022
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Vintage Adventures CONTINUED

             Dawn broke mercifully as we met the Other        no place for the ill-informed, as the offerings ranged
      Dave in the café across the street for breakfast.       from true bargains to “wooden nickels”, and included
      Therein we continued to catch up with each other,       everything in between.
      resuming a long chat that had begun the previous
                                                                     Early in the day, I chanced upon three fellows
      evening on the hotel’s second floor outdoor balcony.
      After a fight over the check, which would mark every    wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the “Mopar”
                                                              logo (the nickname for Chrysler auto parts), except
      single meal, we headed out to Carlisle. I had brought
                                                              instead of “Mopar”, the lettering on their shirts read,
      my pickup truck as our transportation, as I was
                                                              “Moneta”. We obviously needed to talk.
      hoping to return to the lake with at least one sizable
      piece of automotive treasure.
                                                                     I caught up with them, and employing my best
                                                              affectation of the Virginia vernacular, I asked them
             We arrived early in the morning to the carnival
                                                              “Are y’all from Virginia?”
      atmosphere that is Carlisle during this type of event.
      Locals capitalize on the limited availability of parking
                                                                     They all about-faced at once, and exclaimed
      spaces by charging $10 to allow you to park on their
                                                              excitedly, “No, but we know there is a Moneta (they
      front lawns. We found a lot across the street from one
                                                              pronounced it Mo-nett-a) in Virginia; we’re from New
      of the entrances to the fairgrounds; it was operated by
      the local fire police, and also $10, so we chose to park
      there. Another sawbuck apiece gained us admission,             It turns out that Moneta is their family name,
      and we were awestruck by the size and scope of this     Italian in origin, and a friendly conversation ensued.
      event.                                                  They have a family reunion at Carlisle every year, and
                                                              those who are interested in cars include a trip to the
             As far as the eye could see in just about any
                                                              fairgrounds as part of their weekend.
      direction, we saw a veritable sea of cars, parts, and
      tools of every description. It was difficult to decide         We all turned our respective attentions back to
      where to start, and even after spending the entire day   the main event. I have never seen so many ’55 through
      there, I’m not certain that we managed to see it all.   ’57 Chevrolets in my life, not to mention Model T
                                                              bodies and rare and collectible cars, going back about
             Numerous manufacturers and retail vendors
                                                              100 years. We marveled at such rarities as a 1950
      dotted the landscape, interspersed with untold
                                                              Plymouth with 63,000 original miles, all original
      numbers of private sellers who had brought along
                                                              except for a recent paint job, sharply contrasted by a
      their surplus cars and parts. This venue was certainly
                                                              pitiful example of a ’68 Firebird convertible that was
      14     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2022
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