Page 21 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 21

channel of your choosing to fish. Leave
        your dock early enough to allow time to be                   Now, in the day light fishing
        in the area you are fishing before the fog              deep produces another problem:

        sets in (usually a fog will be on the water             STRUCTURE!!!!  A good depth-finder
        just prior to sunrise). Trying to get to your           is essential, and a "plug knocker" would
        fishing spot is difficult enough in the dark            also be needed. Smith Mountain Lake is
        without having to deal with the fog. So                 loaded with structure....mostly trees and

        lose a little sleep in order to travel the lake         rocks. The bait-fish go into the coves at
        under safer conditions.                                 night for the relative safety of the structure
                                                                as well as food. The stripers follow.
             Enter your cove with your trolling                 Fishing for them in the early morning

        motor with depth-finder                                                       ends at daylight.
        on and the stern light
        (use a stern light with                                                             Now to fish them
        a reflective base -- this                                                      in the coves or main

        keeps the light from                                                           channel in daylight
        reflecting off the water                                                       hours, you will need to
        surface). Watch your                                                           fish according to the
        depth-finder, and look                                                         moon phase. Since the

        for a lot of dots on the                                                       baitfish and the stipers
        screen. Position the                                                           are in deeper water, you
        boat in the middle of                                                          will have to contend
        the cove, near an area                                                         will the structure.

        with lots of dots. Now,                                                        Fishing structure
        WAIT!!                                                                         can be most difficult,
                                                                                       but it’s also the most
             As your eyes become                                                       productive. If you are

        accustomed to the                                                              trolling, most of the
        darkness, you will be                                                          fish will be in the tree-
        able to see water surface.                                                     tops, where trolling
        As the sky begins to acquire a little bit of a          a lead line or deep plug is the way to go.

        pink shade, you will  begin to see bubbles              Your lure should be just over the fish (over
        rise to the surface. Cast a floating minnow             the trees).
        lure toward the bubbles. With your rod tip
        down, retrieve very slowly, keeping the lure                 Trolling requires close attention to the

        on the surface, and be ready for the strike!            depth-finder..... If you are trolling lures
        This is a great opportunity to catch a                  at 35 feet and trees appear on the screen
        trophy. Once daylight arrives, the fish will            above that (taller trees) you must raise your
        move to the main channel, where now you                 lines so as not to snag your lure on a tree.

        bait fish, jig, or troll deep (about 30-35 ft).         If you do and it does not release, stop the

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