Page 22 - Discover Winter 2021
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Kate’s Corner CONTINUED

       “thanks but no thanks”. She just couldn’t             Maryland, and then back to Michigan.
       warm up to the idea of giving money that
                                                                    In between the births of her children,
       she had worked to earn to a union. Yup!
                                                             she worked in curriculum, research, and
       That sounded like Sharon.
                                                             finally student affairs. Besides hours upon
               She ended up teaching 3 and 4 year            hours of research, her work involved writing
       old students the Suzuki Violin, a technique           computer programs, gathering data, running
       developed by a Japanese man of the same               statistical analyses, and writing reports in
       name (Suzuki) whose theory was that                   the area of university student retention. She
       children could learn music just like they             had worked until she was 72 years old.
       had learned their native tongue, through
                                                                    After retirement, she became
       constant repetition.
                                                             interested in traveling. She began listing the
               Apparently the technique worked,              places where she had been: Spain, Morocco,
       as Sharon had taught at the Blair School              Granada, Bucharest, Romania, Budapest,
       of Music for nearly 30 years (obviously, the          Hungary, Italy (“the Alps, Dolomite, and
       school was not unionized). Blair is one of 10         lake region”). She was packed and ready to
       constituent schools of Vanderbilt University,         go to: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
       and is of the same stature as a conservatory.         and Turkmenistan, she said, reeling off
       Sharon retired in the late 1990s and moved            the names just like she had the names of
       back to Michigan, near Grand Rapids and               dinosaurs all those years ago. Yup! This was
       her sister. An illness during her late 70s led        our Donna. Sadly, she had been forced to
       to her need, today, for the use of bottled            cancel the Asian trip and instead have open
       oxygen. She sounded well, however, and                heart surgery.
       clearly gets out and about independently,
                                                                    Like Sharon, Donna sounds as
       as she complained about people who refuse
                                                             sharp as ever. She likes to play a computer
       to wear face masks in public during this
                                                             game called “Wizard” that her grandson
       pandemic that we’ve been going through.
                                                             introduced her to. It’s an online game, and
       Yup! That’s our Sharon for sure.
                                                             I’m sure that it must have lots of exotic
               I found Donna’s husband first, and he         names and complicated plots. She confesses
       led me to Donna. The two were separated               that she hopes to travel again some day,
       this year through no fault of either of them.         once Covid is a bad memory. She walks for
       She had been having some health issues                exercise, and also works out on a rowing
       and, therefore, moved closer to their son             machine.
       while hubby stayed behind to put their
                                                                    “I had to get a really small rowing
       house on the market. Enter Covid 19, which
                                                             machine that would fit in the condo,” she
       rearranged their plans, along with everyone
                                                             says, “and I can only use it for 15 minutes
       else’s in the world.
                                                             before its piston gets hot.”
               Besides rearing three children,
                                                                    Then, in perfect Donna form, when
       Donna, a graduate of the University of
                                                             she saw a list of all our classmates who have
       Illinois with degrees in psychology and
                                                             passed away, her response was, “We’ve lost
       computer science, had spent much of her
                                                             60 percent of our class.”
       career years researching and advising
      A ma  r y l lis
       educators and students. Her work had
       necessitated moves from Illinois to

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