Page 18 - Discover Winter 2021
P. 18

Reunions &


                                                                                 By Kate Hofstetter

              The search for two classmates, Donna             was doubly impressive. Today it would be
       and Sharon, came to a head this summer after            equivalent to a high school student giving you
       talking with Bud and Jack. Both of them                 the Latin nomenclature for every herb at the
       still live in my old hometown, and are active           local nursery.
       in planning our class reunions. I missed our
                                                                     Then there was Sharon. By the time she
       66th class reunion, so Jack sent me an update
                                                               was in high school she was an accomplished
       on known survivors. Prior to receiving his
                                                               violinist, playing solos at every school
       packet of what’s happening to whom, we
                                                               program, and was often an invited guest with
       spoke by phone.
                                                                                   nearby symphonies. The
              “Has anyone heard                                                    furthest I got on the old
       from Sharon or Donna?”                                                      upright that my mother had
       I asked. I have been                                                        bought from a neighbor was
       asking that same                                                            about 30 seconds of chop
       question at every reunion                                                   sticks.  When “reading”
       over the past 66 years.                                                     music, I was reduced to
                                                                                   identifying lines and spaces
               The answer was
                                                                                   by reciting: Every Good
       what it has always been:
                                                                                   Boy Does Fine, or FACE.
       “No”. So, I decided to go
                                                                                   Among my favorite songs
       digging for them myself. It
                                                                                   at the time were Hey Good
       wasn’t because we had been
                                                                                   Lookin’, and Blueberry
       close friends during high
                                                               Hill. It’s likely that neither has ever been
       school, or that we had that much in common.
                                                               adapted to such a sophisticated musical
       Donna, for example, knew the names of all
                                                               instrument as the violin. If they had been, the
       the famous dinosaurs, and the periods in
                                                               name of the instrument would surely have to
       which they lived, while I had trouble spitting
                                                               be changed from “violin” to “fiddle”.
       out the word “optometrist”. I still refer to
       them as eye doctors.                                          The differences between me and them
                                                               went even deeper. I was an average student
               No one had yet thought of making and
                                                               (by that I mean C+, or on a good day B-) and
       naming toy dinosaurs for pre-schoolers, and
                                                               Sharon and Donna had never received a grade
       it would be 40 years before the film Jurassic
                                                               lower than an A- to anyone’s knowledge.
       Park hit the big screen. In those days, there
                                                               They were our gold standard for judging the
       was zero interest in dinosaurs among the
                                                               difficulty of quizzes. If we would get a low
       general public (I considered myself “general
                                                               grade or fail a test, the first thing we would
       public”), so Donna’s knowledge of them
                                                               ask is, “What did Sharon and Donna get?”
      16     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  WINTER 2020
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