Page 26 - Discover Winter 2021
P. 26

What’s the Secret?

             This is the most asked question I receive         Once, my oldest son caught a bluegill that was
      about fishing: “What’s the secret to catching            as big as a dinner plate. I’m sure it must have
      fish?”                                                   been a trophy or maybe even a record, but we
             There is no one general answer; in fact           only cared about the fun and excitement of
      there are many. A lot depends on when you are            these times.  These are great memories that I’ll
      fishing, what you are fishing for, and where.            never forget, and neither will you when you
             When I was young, I fished with my                take your kids fishing.
      older brother in near-by streams; unfortunately,         About 40 years ago, we moved to Roanoke.
      he was killed by a drunk driver when he was 15           I was very busy for a while working my new
      yrs old and I was only 9. That was the end of            position with my new employer. After a while,
      my fishing for quite a while.                            I went fishing with one of my customers,
             Much later, when I started  fishing with          whereupon I got the chance to experience
      my four young sons, my two daughters, and                Smith Mountain Lake on a night fishing trip.
      my niece (whom I was raising as my own),                 I was surprised to see Striped Bass (Rockfish)
      we fished in streams, farm ponds and at the              being caught, and did not understand how a
      ocean’s shore, in Maryland, Virginia, and the            saltwater fish could be in this lake, but I loved
      Carolinas. These times spent fishing with my             it.
      children were some of the best times of my life.                I wanted the answer, so I searched


                                                                                                     by Bob King

      24     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  WINTER 2020
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