Page 27 - Discover Winter 2021
P. 27

and found that there are two main types                 little success. I studied the fish and the forage,
        of euryhaline fish. Some fish are born in               and the characteristics of the lake, to learn
        saltwater, live in fresh water, and return              how to finally be able to catch these fish. This
        to saltwater to spawn....These are called               did not happen overnight; it took a lot of
        catadromous fish; North American and                    work, and a lot of trial and error, but I did it.
        European eels fall into this category,                  Friends and relatives would visit, and of
        according to the National Marine Fisheries              course I would take them fishing. They were
        Service. Then there are fish that are born in           amazed at how good the fishing is on this
        freshwater, live in saltwater, and return to            lake. They were typically impressed with our
        freshwater only to spawn, these are called              bass catches. It took me quite a while to learn
        anadromous fish. Salmon, Smelt, Shad,                   to catch bass here, because this lake is unlike
        Striped Bass (Rockfish) and Sturgeon                    any other that I had fished. Because of the
        are in this group, according to the Alaska              vast surface area of the lake, the shore line
        Department of Game and Fish.                            configuration, local geography, and the water
        There came a time when Tennessee wanted to              depth, this lake is called a Highland lake.
        build a dam on one of its                                                    After a while, when
        rivers. This was a river that                                           others saw the catches we were
        was used by some saltwater                                              getting, they would call and
        fish (anadromous types) to                                              ask me to take them fishing.
        spawn. The dam was built,                                               It wasn’t long before people
        and they waited until all                                               started offering to pay, but at
        the spawning fish went                                                  first, I only took gas money.
        back to the ocean before                                                Eventually, I started a part-
        they closed the gates to                                                time guide service for Bass and
        start filling this lake. Later,                                         Stripers. It finally went to full
        they found Striped Bass                                                 time, and I fished mainly for
        in the lake, and concluded                                              Stripers. At one point, a striper
        that these fish would die.                                              fishing club was started, of
        They did not; in fact, they                                             which I later became President.
        survived very well. Needless                                            I served for about 10 years,
        to say, Striped Bass became                                             during which time I worked
        a very popular fish to stock                                            with VADGIF and aided with
        in lakes. However, these fish needed to be able         stocking, rules, and regulations until I was too
        to swin up a feeder stream or river so that             busy and retired from that post.
        they could spawn in rapidly moving water.                      After that, I discovered how much the
               The eggs from the spawn must float               moon affected the all fish and other wildlife,
        and tumble FOR AT LEAST 72 HOURS                        and began adding this information to my
        before entering the lake. If this does not              articles. I later helped some people that
        happen, the spawn is considered a false spawn,          wanted to be fishing guide, helping them to
        since the eggs cannot survive without this              get their USCG Captain’s Licenses.  I helped
        action. This is the case with respect to Smith          the Coast Guard to design a specific test for
        Mountain Lake. Thus, it is a “put and take”             Captains working only in SML. Because
        lake for Striped Bass.                                  of the popularity of the lake, I and 4 other
               After I learned this information, I tried        business people tried to change the name of
 by Bob King  fishing the same as I would in saltwater, with    Moneta to “Smith Mountain Lake”, so that

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