Page 20 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 20

Answering The Call CONTINUED

             •  Toilet Paper                                  tried to do what’s right.”
             •  Tooth Brushes
                                                                     But Vietnam, and life, changed all of
             •  Toothpaste
                                                              that for a long time.
             •  Towelettes
                                                                     “When I came back from Vietnam in
             •  Wash Cloths
                                                              the fall of 1970, I was very fortunate to get a
             •  Towels
                                                              job with McLean trucking company, and I’d
             •  Deodorants
                                                              get in that truck and go away. I stayed out on
             •  Disinfectants
                                                              the road… stayed gone… no conversations…
             •  Feminine Supplies                             nobody knew who I was… I stayed in that
             •  Hand Sanitizers                               truck by myself… I never had to defend
             •  Heavy-Duty Trash Bags                         anything… “
             •  Paper Towels
                                                                     Becoming involved with God’s Pit Crew
             •  New Stuffed Animals                           allows him to draw on his upbringing and
             •  Aspirin                                       practice his faith.

             •  Band-Aids
                                                                     “I’ve seen so much devastation over
             •  Triangular Bandages
                                                              there… it’s a story that I don’t normally like
             •  Rolled Bandages
                                                              to tell… but the irony of it all is… when I
             •  Peroxide                                      got involved with God’s Pit Crew, I could
                                                              see that there was a chance that I could give
             Several different combinations of these
                                                              back, helping America, and not feel bad about
      items are contained in “Blessing Buckets”,
                                                              people talking junk about me being a Vietnam
      five gallon pails that typically contain enough
      supplies to sustain a person for two or three
      days. The supplies are typically donated by                    In addition to his work with God’s Pit
      church groups, whose volunteers will assemble           Crew, Wayne also volunteers at DAV, works
      a thousand or more buckets at a time. They              with the Shriners, and helps to transport
      either distribute them where needed, or allow           veterans to and from the VA medical facilities.
      God’s Pit Crew to use them in their disaster            He left me with the sincere impression that to
      relief efforts.                                         him, the work is its own reward.

             Wayne chuckled when I asked him                         “I’ve grown from what my Mama and
      about his faith.                                        Daddy taught me, and the church taught me.
                                                              I’ve been very blessed.”
             “My family was extremely religious,” he
      told me. “My Daddy played in a quartet… we                     “It’s really humbled my heart,” he
      used to ride around in the back of a 56 Ford            says quietly. “It’s given me a total different
      station wagon and our job, me and my brother,           perspective in life, seeing all the heartaches
      was to take the instruments into the church             that people in these United States have to
      and set em down so they could have them                 go through when these situations come their
      there ready to go when it was time to sing.             way.”

             I was saved when I was 11, baptized in                   To learn more about God’s Pit Crew, to
      Dutchman Creek, North Carolina… went                     volunteer, or to make a donation, please visit their
      through the church, went through the Scouts                       website:
      and got my God and country award, and I

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