Page 18 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 18

Answering The Call CONTINUED

      thought. But when I went to Moore, OK                   to have open, transparent financial records. It is
      and seen all the devastation there, and that            our responsibility to be faithful managers of the
      school where all those kids got killed, and all         resources that God has blessed us with. Our goal
      the people that were affected… they would               is to present specific needs to people and then trust
      tell me their stories. It was unbelievably heart        that God will move upon their hearts to partner
      wrenching, the stories they told. You see it            with us to accomplish the work. Because the
      on TV, you hear it on the radio, you hear all           work we do is directly related to the generosity
      about it, but it ain’t nothing like when you go         of others, we take great care to assure that the
      there.”                                                 highest accountability standards are in place and
                                                              that our financial practices represent faithfulness
             He likes to tell a story about a young
                                                              to our calling and to our donors.
      man who was born and raised in Moore, OK,
      and survived that tornado in 2013. Several                     While cash donations are obviously
      years later, he had been transferred with               needed and appreciated, God’s Pit Crew also
      his job to Pembroke, GA. Drawing on his                 gratefully accepts donations of emergency
      experiences, during the construction of his             supplies.
      new home, he had a safe room built out of
                                                                            DISASTER RESPONSE
      reinforced concrete. His neighbors all thought
                                                                    DONATION ITEMS NEEDED:
      it was the funniest, craziest thing they’d ever
                                                                     •  Food and Water
                                                                     •  Baby Food
             Earlier this year, a devastating tornado
                                                                     •  Bottled Water
      struck Pembroke, literally demolishing his
                                                                     •  Dry Food
      home. The only thing that was left standing
                                                                     •  Easy-Open Food
      was the safe room.
                                                                     •  Non-Perishable Foods
             “If it hadn’t been for that room… they                  •  Medical Supplies
      would not have been there,” Wayne recalls.
                                                                     •  Rubbing Alcohol
      “His family would have been gone. We went
                                                                     •  Antibacterial Cream
      down there that week, removed his house
                                                                     •  Antiseptic Wipes
      off the foundation, so he could build his
      house around that safe room. I sat there and                   •  Equipment and Tools
      listened to stories (of people) telling him how                •  Blankets
      unbelievably ashamed they were because they                    •  Flashlights and Batteries
      had made so much fun of him building that                      •  Manual Can Openers
      room in his house.”
                                                                     •  Hygiene Brushes/Combs
             It takes a great deal of resources to                   •  Bug Spray
      answer this calling, and God’s Pit Crew                        •  Cleaning Supplies
      necessarily relies on donations to keep things                 •  Household Bleach
      going. Their faith in God inspires them to be                  •  Razors
      fiscally responsible with respect to donations.
                                                                     •  Shampoo
      From their website:
                                                                     •  Shaving Cream
             KY1 Corinthians 4:2 tells us: “It                       •  Bar Soap
      is required of stewards that they be found                     •  Liquid Soap
      trustworthy.” We honor this scripture by striving
                                                                     •  Sun Block

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