Page 16 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 16

Answering The


                                                                                  By Charles Alexander

               You never know when God will call               two new homes for disaster victims there.
                                                                      Lake resident Wayne Blake is a retired
               For Randy and Terry Johnson, that               truck driver, who joined the crew in 2013. He
        call came in May of 1999, as they watched              is a towering figure of a man, with a gentle
        reports of the devastation caused by one of            disposition and a caring heart. Just prior
        the largest tornadoes in                                                  to his retirement, he had
        recorded history. They                                                     attended a 50th reunion
        sprang into action,                                                        with his significant other,
        mobilizing a small                                                         Jill Pryor. While there,
        fleet of borrowed                                                          he happened to spot a
        trucks and trailers to                                                     gentleman wearing a God’s
        deliver three loads of                                                     Pit Crew jacket, and the
        emergency supplies                                                         rest is history. He soon
        to the victims. For                                                        signed on as a volunteer
        them, it was a life-                                                       driver, after visiting the
        changing experience,                                                       warehouse and seeing their
        and it inspired them                                                       brightly colored trucks.
        to establish their
                                                                                          His first mission
        own non-profit crisis
                                                                                   was to Moore, OK, after
        response organization,
                                                                                   a tornado caused major
        which they named
                                                                                   damage there. The crew
        “God’s Pit Crew”.
                                                                                   worked there for several
               Their mission                                                       weeks, cutting trees,
        statement:                                                                 cleaning up debris, and
                                                                                   building two brand new
               Our calling is to bring hope, healing,
                                                               homes for people who had lost theirs in the
        and restoration to those in times of crisis.
                                                               storm. You can feel the compassion in his
               Headquartered in Danville, God’s Pit            voice when he talks about his experiences.
        Crew will travel the length and breadth of
                                                                      “In Moore OK, it was a life shaking
        this country in order to fulfill their mission.
                                                               situation. I drove a truck all over this country,
        At this point in time, they are responding to
                                                               and I’ve seen tornadoes all across the plains,
        a tornado that hit Wentworth, NC, and their
                                                               Texas, Oklahoma, going to California and
        rebuilding team is in Bremen, KY, building
                                                               back, seen them and never gave them much

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