Page 23 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 23

thanks to the Santee Cooper Hydroelectric  a guest speaker at one of the SMSC
        and Navigation Project.  During an 8                    monthly meetings, Assistant Manager

        week period when the lakes (Lake Marion                 Gordon Judd, and their staff work tirelessly
        and Lake Moultrie) were impounded,                      to ensure that SML and other reservoirs
        some Striped Bass were trapped behind                   receive fish each year.

        the dams as they made their springtime                  SML receives approximately 350,000
        spawning run. Biologists were shocked to                Striped Bass fingerlings each year from

        learn that the Striped Bass could survive,              the Vic Thomas Fish Hatchery.  The
        and upon further research they also found               fingerlings are loaded onto a well-
        that the fish were successfully reproducing.            oxygenated stocking truck and transported

        When Smith Mountain Lake was formed                     to the lake.  Stocking is accomplished
        and biologists realized that there would be             at various boat ramps around the lake.
        deep, cool water, it was a perfect match for            Recently, VA DWR has begun to practice

        the Stripers. Striped Bass were introduced              pelagic (open water) stocking. When
        into SML after the lake was impounded in                fingerlings are released near the shoreline,
        1963. The Virginia Department of Game                   they encounter many predators such as

        and Inland Fisheries (now Virginia DWR)                 bluegill, crappie, bass and white perch.
        started stocking the lake with fingerling               Out in the open water, they have a better

        size fish (approximately 1.5 inches long) as            chance at survival, since they are away
        the lake continued toward full pond.                    from the shoreline predators.  Striped
        Due to the need to maintain the striped                 Bass grow very quickly in their first year,

        bass population, the lake must be regularly             reaching an average of 12 inches long.
        restocked. For the Striped Bass spawn to                Their growth slows after year one, and then

        be successful, their fertilized eggs must               they become subjects of interest to VA
        float in the river current for 48-72 hours.             DWR Biologist Dan Wilson.
        Smith Mountain Lake does not offer this                 Dan Wilson and his staff are the key

        type of habitat, so the Striped Bass spawn              figures who determine the actual yearly
        is not successful enough here to maintain               stocking rate. He compiles data from gill
        the population.                                         netting surveys, angler journals, and the

        SML receives fingerlings from the Vic                   collection of fish heads. The gill netting
        Thomas Fish Hatchery in Brookneal.                      surveys show how well the stocking
        The hatchery sits on 55 acres along the                 (recruitment) is progressing, as well as how

        banks of the Staunton (Roanoke) River                   well the fish are growing in their first three
        in southeastern Campbell County.  It                    years in the lake. This data gives DWR

        maintains almost 20 acres of earthen                    an idea of what fish will be entering the
        ponds, a state-of-the-art hatchery building,  system as “catchable” fish.
        and supporting raceways.  Hatchery                      The angler journals give a complete picture

        Manager Mike Gafford, who has been                      of the entire population of Striped Bass in

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