Page 9 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 9

Humming Along

                                             with                       Nature

                                                                                                By Kate Hofstetter

           One of the most delightful creatures you will ever   lichen. She molds the nest with the shape of her own
        encounter on this earth is a hummingbird.  What a       body. The finished nest is deeper but not much larger
        thrill to be in your garden and see these miniature     in circumference than half of an empty walnut shell.
        specimens of God's handiwork flitting from blossom      The sides of the nest will be thicker on the windward
        to blossom looking every bit like a fairy from the      side and the camouflage will be darker where the
        pages of a child's book.                                nest is shadowed and lighter where it is exposed to
                                                                sunlight. The nest is spongy and actually stretches
           If you have on a bright colored hat, she might come
                                                                as the chicks grow. Such clever little architects and
        within inches of your face to satisfy her curiosity of
        whether you are a giant flower. Turn your eyes toward
        her and she'll fly backward, then left, then right with    Once she has bred the female is pretty much on
        ease and grace and in the twinkling of an eye; flight   her own. While it is suspected that the male does
        patterns no other bird can mimic. Also, few birds are   allow the female he bred with to forage for food in
        as bold around humans as hummers.                       his territory (at least during the time she is nesting
                                                                and feeding her chicks) it appears his only other
           If you want to attract the early hummingbirds that
                                                                contribution to preserving the species is his sperm.
        will soon be arriving here from Mexico and Central
                                                                Along with building the nest herself, the female
        America, make sure you have your feeder up by the
                                                                lays and hatches the eggs and is solely responsible
        end of March or the first of April. The males arrive
                                                                for feeding her chicks. It is believed by bird experts
        first, presumable to stake out their feeding territory.
                                                                that she prefers it that way – you'd have to be a
        You'll know it's a male by his black hood and ruby-red
                                                                hummingbird to know for sure but perhaps they're
        throat which sports a narrow, white collar. The feathers
                                                                right. She wants Dad gone, they theorize, because
        on his back and shoulders flash emerald green in
                                                                his bright colors would give away the location of her
                                                                nest and attract predators. Or, maybe she rejects him
                                                                because he's just a promiscuous, no-good cad.  A
           Hummingbirds come north to breed as they
                                                                male hummingbird will mate with several females
        need temperatures below 96 degrees so their eggs
                                                                in a single season. Since there are considerably more
        and baby chicks won't bake in the nest. This is why
                                                                female hummingbirds than males, this system seems
        higher elevations are popular nesting areas. They also
                                                                to work, especially, one imagines, for the males.
        like to be near water and have a shaded shelter. The
        temperature under a leaf is about 6 degrees cooler than
                                                                   Like most other female birds, female hummers
        in open areas. Wind and cold are other environmental
                                                                are drab in color. Her emerald green back is the most
        threats to these tiny birds.
                                                                colorful thing about the female. Typically, she lays
                                                                two white eggs, about the size of navy beans, which
           A hummer's nest, which is always built by the
                                                                will incubate in 16 to 18 days, longer in cool weather.
        female, is a work of art. Its foundation is spider webs
                                                                Once both eggs have been laid, she will sit on them
        because they are sticky and help anchor the nest to
                                                                for 50 to 55 minutes out of every hour. Like most
        a branch as well as holding the sides together. Next,
                                                                wild birds, her eggs won't begin to incubate until she
        Mom lays down a layer of moss or leaf hairs or
                                                                sits on them. When the chicks hatch they will be
        plant fuzz. Then she brings in more spider webs. The
                                                                about 3/4 inch long and “naked” with short beaks. It
        finishing touch is a camouflage layer of greenish-gray
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