Page 6 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 6

Editor’s Note

                                                              By Tim Ernandes

         Government seems to have a language that is          are existential threats to democracy.
      all its own. I can see the need to provide a handy
                                                                 Existential threat to democracy: Anyone or
      translation guide so that people know what their
                                                              anything that is contrary to the speaker’s agenda.
      elected officials are really saying when they speak:
                                                                 Insurrection: a specific type of existential threat
         Public service: Making a career out of a
                                                              to democracy.
      lucrative job whose main purpose is to remain
      in that job, and/or using it as a stepping stone in        Public opinion: A general widespread
      order to get an even better one.                        sentiment that is provided to the people by the
         Program: A means of buying votes with other
      people’s money                                             Credible media: Media that are in league with
                                                              the government, who promote and often provide
         Infrastructure: Items both real and imagined
                                                              its agenda.
      that are presented as “crumbling” or “failing”, in
      order to justify spending money on them. These             Election: The illusion that the general public
      items cannot actually be repaired, because the          freely chooses its leaders.
      money is never enough.
                                                                 Primary election: The illusion that adherents to
         Government: an entity that cannot exist              a political party freely choose their candidates for
      without the people, and which convinces the             office.
      people that they cannot exist without it.
                                                                 Hate speech: rhetoric that is an existential
         Refundable tax credit: Taxes that are returned       threat to democracy.
      to the people who didn’t pay them.
                                                                 Free speech: The illusion that in this country,
         Constitution: a document that lays the               people are free to express any and all opinions,
      foundation for government, in order to ensure the       regardless of whether or not anyone may disagree.
      rule of law. This document may be changed on the
      whims of elected officials with whose agendas it           Law: a set of principles that may interfere with
      clashes, and in some cases, wholly disregarded.         the agenda of government, and which is therefore
                                                              ignored when necessary.
         Democracy: a form of government that does
      not describe the Constitutional government of the          Wealthy: a condition that describes anybody
      United States of America, but which its citizens        who has more than you do, and who therefore
      are trained to believe that it does. It is sometimes    does not deserve it. See: Millionaires and
      described as “three wolves and a lamb deciding          Billionaires.
      what to have for lunch”, but only by people who

      4      Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2022
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