Page 7 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 7
Millionaires and Billionaires: terrible people of government power. They may also be
who have a lot because they didn’t give it to you. pre-emptively eliminated in the pursuit of
Actual net worth may be considerably less, but government power
the term puts their avarice into perspective for
Parents: People who provide children for the
the average voter.
Property tax: A punishment issued by
Pandemic: A serious and sometimes deadly
government that addresses your ownership
disease that only the government understands.
of tangible property. The inability to pay is
Do whatever the government tells you to do, or
irrelevant; however, the ability to pay more than
you will die.
you do IS relevant.
Expert: Anyone who tells people what the
1984: A handy guide for government officials
government wants them to believe on a particular
to follow.
subject. Proper attire is required, such as a white
Money: A representation of the value of goods lab coat or an Ivy League sport jacket. Accessories
and services, but which the public is trained to may include a stethoscope and/or a clipboard.
believe has actual intrinsic value.
Kook: Anyone who would ever believe that the
Investment: Deficit spending by government. government would lie to us.
Inflation: the natural result of investment. Fringe kook: Anyone who tries to prove that
One of its benefits is that it encourages people to the government is lying to us.
believe that they are getting more when in reality,
Mainstream Journalist: Anyone who knows
they are getting less.
very little about most things, pretends to know
Freedom: the ability to do as one pleases, everything, and delivers the government’s
so long as it does not clash with the designs of message to the people. One of the important
government. functions of a mainstream journalist is to stand
outside in the middle of a hurricane, and warn
Human rights: Those things which the
people not to stand outside in the middle of a
government permits us to have or to do, and in
hurricane. Other functions include interviewing
some cases, provides. These are always subject to
experts, lecturing the public on common sense
change as government sees fit.
issues, and telling people what their opinions are.
Political party: A collection of individuals
Thinking: An activity in which only
whose aim is to have power over the people.
government is capable of engaging, since most
Political promise: A pledge that is made by a human beings are incapable of critical, rational
party or candidate that has an expiration date. Its thought. Those few who are capable of such
purpose is usually limited to attracting voters to a thought are invariably greedy.
candidate or the party.
Government: A controlling body consisting of
Term in office: A defined period of time, human beings.
during which the office holder dedicates himself
Feel free to tear out this handy little guide,
or herself to raising money for the purpose of
and carry it with you, in order that you may
running for re-election. This may also include
better understand how government works, and
efforts to secure additional power.
how little you are capable of doing without the
Children: Useful pawns in the pursuit assistance, guidance, and control of government. 5