Page 10 - Discover SPRING 2022
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Humming Along CONTINUED

      will be several days before they can generate their    rest while they eat. A feeder with a water reservoir
      own body heat so that is another issue Mom must        in the cap is very effective in keeping ants out of the
      deal with besides feeding them. By the 3rd day after   nectar.
      hatching, the chicks will have doubled in size. Their
                                                                Although the female is larger than the male, you'll
      mass will double again by the 5th day and again by
                                                             find that a male hummer will soon be dominating
      day 8; that is also about the same time they start
                                                             your feeder. At first you'll simply see him chasing
      producing pinfeathers. They usually leave the nest 3
                                                             away other hummers as they come around. Then, if
      weeks after hatching and are full grown and capable
                                                             you're patient and watch closely you'll see he actually
      of immediately finding their own food. In Virginia,
                                                             flies to a nearby tree or bush where he can perch
      hummingbirds will likely double brood. A female
                                                             while he “protects” his food source. He will perch
      will often have a second nest built and may even
                                                             there on a flimsy branch for several minutes, looking
      lay eggs in it while still feeding her first brood. In
                                                             for all the world like just another leaf, twisting his
      Florida they have been known to have as many as
                                                             head nervously from side to side stalking thieves who
      3 broods. Weather permits only one brood in the
                                                             try to fly in and steal a drink. Don't worry. Much
      northern states.
                                                             of the summer he will be so busy mating, fighting
         Hummers do not use nesting boxes, so save           other males and collecting nectar from flowers that
      your money. They do nest in the forks formed by        the other hummers will have ample opportunity to
      tree branches and in bushes. They will nest from 3     enjoy at least a few sips of the nectar several times a
      feet to 60 or 90 feet off the ground. Females will     day. You'll also soon notice he's not nearly as nasty
      typically not nest in a male's feeding territory which   to a few of the females as he is to other females and
      will include your yard if you have hung up a feeder.    fellow males. If things get too hectic and crowded at
      Finding a hummingbird nest is rare as they are so      the feeder, depending upon how much energy you
      small and so well camouflaged they appear to be just   have, you may want to add a second feeder on the
      another bump on a branch. It is, by the way, illegal to   opposite side of your house.
      collect or possess hummingbirds' nests in the USA
                                                                In the hotter months of summer the nectar
      and Canada. This law also applies to several other
                                                             should be changed every couple of days and the
      species of birds. Although it is a mystery how such
                                                             feeder thoroughly cleaned in hot water using a soft
      a law could possibly be enforced. If you are lucky
                                                             toothbrush on the bee guards and a bottle brush for
      enough to ever spot one of these marvels of nature
                                                             the inside of the feeder itself. Of course, rinse the
      take a picture with your smart phone to show your
                                                             feeder very well after cleaning, especially if you have
      friends later and leave the nest alone. Also, don't do
                                                             used commercial products. Once hummers have
      any heavy trimming of trees during nesting season.
                                                             found your feeder, which shouldn't take long, adjust
      It's not good for either the tree or birds.
                                                             the nectar recipe to 4 cups of water to each cup of
         If you are feeding hummers for the first time and   sugar. You do not need to add food coloring or dye
      need to attract them to your feeder a recipe of 1 cup   to the sugar water. It is likely hummers can smell it
      of sugar to 2 cups of water should do the trick. Use   and besides, the feeder is colorful enough to attract
      white granulated sugar only. Heat the water and        their attention. Artificial coloring might be harmful
      sugar, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely   to them. Also, do not over fill the feeder. It is better
      dissolved and the water has just started to boil.      to use less nectar and change it more frequently. Start
      Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature      with no more than one cup. You'll soon learn how
      before filling your feeder. A handful of ice dropped   much they will eat within a day or two.
      in the nectar will speed the cooling process in case
                                                                Of course, having flowers of any kind in your
      you have a hungry hummer waiting outside your
                                                             garden is a magnet to hummingbirds. They also
      window. Store unused nectar in your refrigerator. Do
                                                             seem to like azalea bushes and blooming fruit and
      not use brown sugar or honey or any type of artificial
                                                             ornamental trees and butterfly bushes. They find the
      sweeteners as they are all harmful to hummers. If
                                                             trumpet vine irresistible. Before you plant this vine,
      possible place your feeder in a location convenient to
                                                             however, be forewarned it is very invasive.
      your reach and your kitchen sink and out of the sun
      so the nectar will stay fresh longer. Buy a feeder with
                                                                The ruby-throated hummers are the only breeding
      several feeding stations and perches so the birds can
      8      Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2022
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