Page 37 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 37

Hugging the

                       FAMILY TREE

                                                                                              By Tim Ernandes

             The shirtless young German soldier                 as well as combatants in the locally infamous

        mopped his brow as he sweated in the                    Witcher-Clement feud. Lib was married for
                                                                49 years to local man-about-town Charlie
        hot August sun. He was thousands of
                                                                Walker until her passing in 2017. Charlie
        miles from home, in a foreign land
                                                                provided photos for this article.
        where he didn’t speak the language.

        He was thirsty, and managed to                               Their parents, William Emmett Jefferson
                                                                and Ida Mae Goodman Jefferson, eventually
        communicate this to the young girl
                                                                                  inherited the farm along
        sitting on the
                                                                                   with Emmett’s sister, and
        farmhouse porch.
                                                                                   bought her out. Emmett had
        She ran to get a                                                           always wanted a dairy farm,
        bucket of water.                                                           so he converted it from a

                                                                                   subsistence farm into a dairy
             Her grandmother
                                                                                   farm, calling it “Oak Grove
        became apoplectic
                                                                                   Guernsey Farm”. To this day,
        when she realized what
                                                                                   although renamed, it remains
        her granddaughter
                                                                                   a 100-plus head dairy farm
        meant to do, frightened
                                                                                   , spanning both sides of
        at her own imaginings
                                                                                   Rt 40 about a mile west of
        of what horrors this
        young “heathen” might

        visit upon the girl.                                                            The farm had been
                                                                                   established around 1850 by
             The late Lib Walker
                                                                                   Joe and Lib’s great-great-
        and her brother, Joe
                                                                                   grandfather, who was named
        Jefferson, grew up in
                                                                Newbill, and remained in the family for the
        Roanoke, but spent most weekends and
                                                                next 117 years or so.  For the curious, the farm
        summers on the family farm in Penhook.
                                                                is located about midway along a seven mile
        They are direct descendants of a first cousin of
                                                                stretch of an arrow-straight stretch of Rt.
        Thomas Jefferson, founding father and author
                                                                40, which was cut right through the farm. A
        of the Declaration of Independence. Their
                                                                tunnel was built under the roadway so that
        storied family history includes veterans of
                                                                the cows could travel back and forth between
        the American Revolution and the Civil War,

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