Page 42 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 42


      a 300 acre farm, and 200 acres were going to            Gibson Girls. One of them married Gibson.
      be covered by water, and they couldn’t make a           Another eventually emigrated to England
      living out of 100 acres.”                               and married John Jacob Astor, Jr., eventually

                                                              becoming Lady Astor and serving as the first
           Of course, few realized the potential upside
                                                              woman in the House of Commons.
      of owning waterfront property, and Charlie
      tells an amusing anecdote about Joe and                      According to Joe, she had a famous
      Lib’s young cousin, whose family owned the              encounter with Winston Churchill at a

      land that would eventually become Saunders              dinner party. During an argument, she told
      Marina.                                                 the Prime Minister, “Winston, if I were
                                                              married to you, I would put poison in your
           “AEP had gone around
      and put stakes in, to

      show the entire perimeter                                                          Churchill’s famed
      where the water line                                                          response: “Madam, if I
      would be… and C.D.                                                            were married to you, I
      Saunders’ daughter… and                                                       would drink it!”

      her girlfriends, they went
                                                                                         In late 1859,
      around, ‘cause they were
                                                                                    another descendant,
      natives here, and they
                                                                                    Vincent Witcher, had a
      weren’t pleased about what
                                                                                    granddaughter who was
      was happening… they
                                                                                    suing her husband for
      pulled up the stakes,” he
                                                                                    divorce. The troubled
      chuckles. “They thought
                                                                                    marriage was the impetus
      if they did that, the water
                                                                                    for the Witcher –
      wouldn’t come there!”
                                                                                    Clement feud. Witnesses

          Charlie Walker is                                                         were being deposed in
      very active in the lake                                                       a general store in Sandy
      community. He lives in Mayberry Hills, and              Level, and an argument ensued. The husband,
      Charlie always seems to find himself in the             one of three Clement brothers, reportedly

      middle of bustling activity, his ever-present           became belligerent and started a knife fight,
      camera at the ready. His photos grace the               bringing the proceedings to a close.
      pages of a number of area publications.
                                                                   They continued about three months
           Joe Jefferson is retired, and actively             later, in the back room of Dickinson’s Store,

      researches the family genealogy. The line of            but again, there were heated arguments,
      one ancestor, William Witcher, an officer in            devolving this time into gunplay. When all
      the American Revolution, holds particular               was said and done, all three Clement brothers
      interest. His descendants included five great-          lay dead, and all the Witchers who were
      granddaughters, all of whom modeled as                  present stood accused of their murders.

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