Page 34 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 34
Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED
use of plastic, as it allows no water our plants when applying mulch. It's
or nutrient absorption, whereas prudent to avoid over mulching. An
landscape fabric will. Fabric is sold in application of 2 to 3 inches yearly is
rolls of varying widths, lengths and enough for healthy plants. If a build
densities and are purported to stop up of more than that occurs, consider
weed growth; your actual mileage may removing the excess, or raking what's
vary. leftover to fluff, and applying a skim
coat for looks. Do not allow mulches
In my opinion, using fabric under to touch the woody stalks of plants,
organic mulches may inhibit some as that can lead to crown rot and
weed establishment, but they will find even diseases. For optimal plant
a way as roots can penetrate through performance, don't forget to fertilize
and under these fabrics. However, under the mulch layer out at the drip
fabrics used in bedded areas will also line of the plant.
inhibit beneficial insects and worms,
which enhance soil health. On the Just as our yards are different,
other hand, when installing inorganic where and how you procure your
products, using fabrics underneath bulk mulch can vary. As a rule, keep
them will keep your investment from in mind that 1 cubic yard of organic
slowly working its way into the soil, so mulch, which is equal to 27 cubic feet
in this case, their use is advised. for those using bagged material, will
cover approximately 100 square feet
In bedded areas with plants, at the recommended 2-3 inch depth.
I also recommended that you use a Inorganic mulch generally covers 60
razor blade device to cut long slits in to 70 square feet per cubic yard for
the fabric between established plants. proper coverage. Of course, these
This will allow beneficial insects to measurements are relative to their
gain access to the soil surface. Weeds application. There is no right or wrong
will still try to establish themselves as time to apply mulch, but if you have
stated before, so in both applications a lot of perennials or bulbs, consider
the use of a pre-emergent to inhibit an early spring or late fall application.
weed seed germination is advised as a This will allow them to grow up and
preventative measure.
through, so as not to damage their new
Aside from the protective growth
qualities of mulches, the many options
available allow us to personalize the You can reach Bob Siren by email:
look of our landscapes, which we can
also change from year to year. It is
important to consider how we care for
32 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SPRING 2022