Page 40 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 40


      you get this sticky juice all over your hands,          purpose.
      and sweat and dirt, it smelled terrible, and so
                                                                   “Dad was one of the first ones in that
      we got our $5 and a very good lesson… that
                                                              neighborhood that ever left… I guess… and
      we didn’t want to do that for the rest of our
                                                              brought a lot of modern ideas back,” Joe
                                                              recalls. “Dad went around and made lists of
           When their grandparents ran the farm, it           people who would subscribe to power and
      was a subsistence farm. Tobacco was grown as            phone service to prove to the utility company
      a cash crop, and for the most part the family           that the installations would be profitable.”
      was self-sufficient.
                                                                   Lib remembered her Dad as a man of
            “My grandmother                                                         uncommon vision.
      never bought anything
                                                                                        “Daddy was one of
      except sugar, and salt, and
                                                                                    the few native people
      pepper and things like
                                                                                    that thought having this
      that… the rest of it they
                                                                                    lake was a good idea
      just grew on the farm,” Joe
                                                                                    for economic reasons…
      explains, with more than a
                                                                                    he was active in the
      hint of pride in his voice. “I
                                                                                    Ruritan Club and went
      can remember her making
                                                                                    to Richmond numerous
      soap when I was growing
                                                                                    times, seeing various
      up… did her laundry in a
                                                                                    people… about putting in
      big pot in the backyard.”
                                                                                    a (public) dock”. He didn’t

           After their Dad took                                                     think that people whose
      over the farm, things                                                         land didn’t abut the lake…
      began to change. It wasn’t                                                    should have to pay to put
      just the conversion from                                                      a boat (in the water). He
      subsistence farming to                                                       got the first one, granted to

      the dairy operation. The whole area was                 the Penhook area.”
      beginning to change dramatically.
                                                                  Indeed, there is now a commemorative
          Emmett Jefferson was an agent of change.            plaque on Jefferson Dock Road, which leads
      In his early life, he worked at a store in              to the boat ramp. It recognizes Emmett

      Roanoke, and eventually was drafted to serve            Jefferson’s efforts in establishing Penhook
      in the First World War. While serving in                Boat Dock.
      Europe, he carried a standard GI Bible in his
                                                                   Lib echoed the sentiments of many of the
      pocket, along with a letter from his wife-to-
                                                              landowners who opposed the formation of
      be. These would eventually stop a bullet and
                                                              the lake. “Most of the people that lived here
      save his life. He would return with a sense of
                                                              were not thrilled about it… if they had, say

      38     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2022
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