Page 23 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 23
following three hours would be slow, or even be a slack time, but the the next 3 hours
dead (hours 4 thru 6). At hour 7, it would would be productive.
reverse, and get better for the next three
(April 21st until July 1st)
If I lost you: suppose that on the 11th,
the sun rose at exactly 6:17 AM. I would start Some of the best times for spring
fishing at sunrise, and continue fishing until fishing would be at night. I recommend deep
about 9:17 AM. Then I’d take a 3 hour break, casting toward the banks at night, from 9pm
and resume fishing at 12:17 PM. until 3am. This works best starting at 7 days
before, and continuing until 7days after the
The morning after a full night would be new moon. For shallow casting, fish during
your best shot at great daylight fishing for the those same times from 7 days before the new
first 3 hours. Remember, moon until 7 days after
this is a guideline and not the new moon. This
a rule. In that three hour does work. All you need
period, it’s most likely to remember is that it
that the fishing will be reverses from the full
best. It might be in the moon to the new moon,
first hour, or the second, and vice versa.
or the third… possibly
even all 3. This guideline Understanding
will determine the best the effect of the moon
time to be on the water. phases is a big part of
The next three hours, fishing and also hunting.
should be “off”. You might be wondering
what do the moon
In other words, phases have to do with
now that you can the behavior of fish and
determine the best other creatures. This
starting time, you can information is a key to
fish 3 hours on and 3 success.
hours OFF. This should
work all day long. You A fishing forecast is
should be aware that there is a variance to just that: a forecast. Just as with the weather,
this theory: If the full moon is at midnight, it’s impossible to predict with pinpoint
you will find that the fishing is best during accuracy. There are only guidelines, but if
the times closest to midnight for the 7 hours you pay attention to factors such as weather
before and 7 hours after midnight. After that, trends and movements, moon phases, times of
use the 3 hour rule. day, and other prevailing conditions, you can
greatly improve your catch.
In the case of a new moon, the exact There is a reason why moon phases are
opposite happens… so, the next day after a a big part of fishing and hunting.
new moon, the first 3 hours of the day would The reason why the moon has phases is 21