Page 18 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 18

Riding for Tyler CONTINUED

      with a chemotherapy drug without success, and then           Mike relates an analogy of how FOP works. Dr.
      switched him to a very powerful anti-inflammatory,      Kaplan explained that we all have a ‘faucet’ inside
      which has done a great deal to manage the pain.         our brains that makes bone. When you break your
                                                              arm, you get swelling, and the brain senses a need to
           “That has worked miracles,” Mike says. “We
                                                              ‘open the faucet’, and make new bone. In Tyler’s case,
      have finally found something where he can be
                                                              the faucet is always open, and in the case of a broken
      comfortable every day.”
                                                              bone, it would likely open wider.
           One can scarcely imagine the difficulty for
                                                                   Researchers are hoping to arrive at a treatment
      parents of a child with FOP, and the helplessness that
                                                              that will shut the ‘faucet’ off. The main concern
      Mike and Kim Hanf felt was greatly relieved by this
                                                              that they have is that halting the production of
      treatment. They focus their energies on making Tyler
                                                              bone might cause a young person to stop growing.
      as comfortable and “normal” as possible.
                                                              Thankfully, in Tyler’s case, it is a small concern, since
                                                              he is already well over five feet tall. A larger concern
           Some of the assistive devices that are designed
                                                              is that it may lead to a failure of the body to mend
      for people with limited mobility are used by people
                                                              itself in the case of a broken bone.
      with FOP. Tyler has a special chair that is designed to
      make him comfortable.
                                                                   Tyler handles his condition with an impressive
                                                              grace and maturity.
           “At school, he has to have somebody write for
      him,” Mike explains. “So he has a one-on-one in
                                                                   “I don’t think he likes giving it any more power
                                                              than it already has,” Mike remarks, “so he doesn’t
                                                              really like talking about it.”
           This person travels with Tyler throughout the
      school day, taking the chair along. They leave class
                                                                   Tyler is determined to live his life as fully as
      a minute or so early, so that they may traverse the
                                                              possible. “I just want to be treated like all the other
      hallways while they are empty, to avoid being jostled
                                                              kids,” he says.
      around by the crowd. This is essential because of
      Tyler’s need to avoid any type of injury. A broken           “His attitude is fantastic every day,” Mike tells
      bone could have devastating results.                    me. “If I send him to his friend’s house, he’s the most
                                                              well-behaved kid there; I hear about it from all the
           Tyler is able to use his hands, and he is able to
      walk, such as from room to room at home, or from
      one class to another at school. However, he can only         Tyler’s friends have also made a huge impression.
      walk comfortably for relatively short distances. For    When they get together for a party or any type of fun
      longer distances, he has a mobility scooter, which he   gathering, whatever they choose to do always takes
      will use to accompany his Dad while walking their       Tyler’s ability to participate into consideration.
                                                                   In the summer time, he will play in the 4 foot
           On a recent trip to New York City, Tyler and       deep pool with his friends, who will do what they can
      Kim explored Central Park, with Tyler on the            to help him. “His friends are amazing…” Mike says
      scooter. He would dismount and take short little        with a touch of pride in his voice. “The kindness that
      walks at various points, and they covered pretty much   they show… and just the respect that they show…
      the entire park that way.                               without having… to tell them. They want to make
                                                              sure that Tyler can do whatever they’re going to be
           Tyler’s condition went undiagnosed until about
                                                              doing. It’s nice to know that they care enough to…
      a year and a half ago. Prior to that, he was on the
                                                              treat him like he’s just another kid.”
      basketball team, played T-ball, and rode horses, like
      any other kid might do. Due to the extreme rarity            Tyler’s Mom, Kim, is determined to learn as
      of FOP, the few signs that presented themselves         much as she can about FOP. Mike says that she’s the
      remained a mystery until just recently.                 kind of person who takes a very serious approach to

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