Page 20 - Discover SPRING 2022
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Riding for Tyler CONTINUED

      educating herself. “She doesn’t do it lightly – she’s all   with the administrative details.
                                                                   “All this help we get from this community is
           Tyler excels at Math, and Mike admits that         just… incredible,” Mike says. “People really look out
      when he needs help with Math homework, Kim is the       for each other here. I love this place.”
      go-to parent. She also keeps track of his medications
                                                                   This year’s Riding for Tyler will feature a
      and doctor appointments, leaving nothing to chance.
                                                              stable of horses and ponies that will be brought
           As uncertain as his future might be, Tyler often   in for children to ride. Teachers from Dudley and
      changes his stated ambitions. He loves to laugh and     the Middle School, including the Middle School
      joke around with Mike, even if it’s in the doctor’s     Principal, will sit still for the pie throwing, as is the
      office. Mike thinks that he is a very funny guy, and    Pastor of Mt. Ivy Church, and also his wife and son.
      believes that he would excel at                                                      Mike hopes to include
      acting.                                                                              some local police
                                                                                           officers, but at the time
           Kim is a woman on a
                                                                                           of this writing, that has
      mission. She saw the need to
                                                                                           yet to become official.
      raise awareness about FOP,
      and also to generate funding                                                              Donnie Shaver
      for Tyler’s future medical                                                           of SoundDawgs plans
      needs. To that end, Kim and                                                          to set up a stage and
      Mike started an event in                                                             sound system for live
      their front yard, which they                                                         music from a rock
      call “Riding for Tyler”. Since                                                       band, and they will also
      it is no longer safe for Tyler                                                       have two professional
      to ride his horse, they invite                                                       face painters, dancing,
      other kids to come and ride for                                                      bouncy houses, and
      him. They played games, and                                                          raffles for prizes. Food
      gave horse rides to kids with                                                        and craft vendors will
      the help of some volunteers.                                                         also be on hand.
      A highlight of the even was
                                                                                                “Admission is
      the pie throwing event.
                                                                                           free,” Mike reminds
      Tyler’s teachers from Dudley
                                                                                           us. “You can come and
      Elementary School agreed to
                                                                                           have fun all day without
      sit still and allow the kids to
                                                                                           spending a dime.”
      throw pies in their faces. It
      has been reported that in at
                                                                                                  His desire
      least one or two of those cases,
                                                                                           to raise awareness
      the teachers felt compelled to
                                                                                           is sparked by the
      return fire.
                                                                                           importance for people
                                                                                          to be able to recognize
           Mike is so overwhelmed by the strong sense of
                                                              FOP. Those who may have it and not be aware of it
      community at SML, that he decided to try to make it
                                                              need to know to avoid certain medical procedures
      a bigger event, and at the same time make it just a fun
                                                              which would FOP would make worse.
      time for everyone. This year, Riding for Tyler will be
      held at Crazy Horse Marina, in the large field by the
                                                                      For more information about FOP,
                                                               visit the International FOP Associations
           Pat and Chris Bechtler, the managers of the
      marina, leaped at the chance to host the event, and
      have helped Mike to organize it, and helped Kim

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