Page 24 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 24

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      Fisherman’s Almanac CONTINUED
       because as it orbits the earth, and the portion        consider it to be a moonlit night.  It’s not the
       that we see illuminated keeps changing. The            light; it’s the gravitational pull of the moon
       moon take 27.3 days to orbit the earth, but            that affects the fish.
       the lunar phases cycle (from new moon to
       new moon) takes 29.5 days. The moon phase                     On a non-lit night (New Moon), skip
       cycle takes an extra 2.5 days to “catch up”,           the first 3 hours of daylight, and then fish the
       because the Earth travels 45 million miles on          next three. It’s always a 3 hour swing, which
       its path around the sun during the same time           is determined be the Moon phase.
       that the moon completes one orbit around               EXAMPLE: Full moon tonight, daybreak at
       the Earth.                                             6 AM… Start fishing at 6 AM, and fish for 3
              At the new moon phase, the moon is
       so close to the sun in the sky that none of the               One final note: When I say fish the
       side facing the Earth is illuminated. In other         first three hours, it means that fishing should
       words, the moon is in between the Earth and            be good within that three hour period. It may
       the Sun. At first quarter, the half lit moon           be for the entire three hours, but it also may
       is highest in the sky at sunset, and then sets         only be for some part of that time. Fishing
       about 6 hours later. At full Moon, the Moon            always requires patience, but using these
       is behind Earth in space with respect to the           guidelines will allow you to improve your
       to the Sun. As the Sun sets, the Moon rises            odds dramatically.
       with the side that faces Earth fully exposed to
       sunlight.                                                     Beginning March 15th, the water
                                                              temperature should reach 54 degrees, at
              This information is relevant, because           which point fishing along the banks, moving
       tides have long been known as an important             your bait slowly in shallow water, should
       factor in saltwater fishing success, and               produce good results. You can cast jigs, buck-
       tides are connected with moon phases. It is            tails, or swimming plugs; pulling planer
       supposed that the relationship between the             boards with live bait also works well. Going
       Sun and the Moon, rather actual tidal stages,          up until about July 5th, fishing at night works
       might be what’s at play here, because it’s not         very well, mostly after 9 PM through 3 AM.
       only fish that are affected; many animals
       are also influenced by the moon phases. The            I hope that this has helped your fishing...
       periods of greatest animal activity typically
                                                              I feel sure that it will if you do all these
       last from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the
                                                              things. Take a kid fishing; they’ll love it, and
       Moon’s relationship to the Sun.
                                                              so will you!
              Now you know that if there is moon
       light at night (any time about 7 days before to
       7 days after a Full Moon), the fishing early in
       the morning should be good within that first
       3 hour period, and off for the next 3 hours.
       But to be clear, if it’s cloudy and you can’t see
       the light, for our purposes you should  still

      22     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2022
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