Page 23 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 23

Department requested fisherman catching                 hours and skip the following 3 hours. When
        Stripers over 20” not to release them. Instead,         fishing daylight after a dark moon, fish the
        they advised to fish until you get your limit,          first 3 hours of the day, then skip the next 3
        and take the fish to eat instead of releasing           hours, and fish the following 3 hours.  This is
        them to die.                                            a guideline, and not a rule; therefore, times
                                                                may vary little, but it is surprisingly accurate.
               This time of year, you can “catch &
        release” striped bass, because the water is cold,              Many have told me that they followed
        and the fish don’t produce as much lactic acid          the moon phases when hunting and fishing,
        when they fight. There is no need to spare the          and that it works. But why? What are the
        larger fish for the spawn, because the spawn            full and new moon times? What is the
        here produces no off-spring. Once the eggs              significance of the moon names?
        are produced in the spawn, they need to float                  Many of us live in places where it’s
        and tumble for at least 72 hrs. This can not
 Moon Phase Fishing  happen in Smith Mountain Lake waters;      hard to see the light of the moon, and many

                                                                                of the connections between
        therefore, no off-spring can
                                                                                ourselves and the moon
        be produced.
                                                                                that have been passed down
               The warmer season                                                through the generations have
        will begin about March                                                  been discounted, or at least
        15th, when the water                                                    called into question. So, when
        temperature should reach                                                a group of chronobiologists in
        54 degrees. At this time                                                Switzerland sat at a riverside
        fishing with jigs, minnows                                              bar in Basel one full-moon
        or live bait works well.                                                night, and started wondering if
        With live bait, planer                                                  the Moon might affect people’s
        boards work great, and can                                              sleep, they decided to see if it
        be used in combination                                                  was more than just a bit of a
        with lures. Fish by the                                                 joke.
        moon phase, and stay
        shallow on the banks and                                                They did a study, in which 17
        points where the sun is on                                              young and 16 older volunteers
        the water. The warmer water lures the bait              came into the sleep lab for more than 3 days
        there, and consequently, the fish who feed on           at a time. They were completely sealed off
        them.                                                   from any clues about light, dark, and time of
                                                                day. The scientists measured everything from
               The moon phase would be considered               the volunteers’ brain-wave activity to their
        light or dark, not necessarily because of the           levels of Melatonin.
        amount of light, but because of the moon
        phase. A dark night would be approximately                     Here is what they found: During
        7 days before and 7 days after a new moon.              a full moon, EEG delta activity during
        A light night would be approximately 7 days             NREM SLEEP (an indication of deep
        before and 7 days after a full moon. In the             sleep) decreased by 30 %.  Time to fall asleep
        daylight after a full moon, don’t fish the first        increased by 5 minutes, and shorted a night’s
 by Bob King  3 hours of daylight. Instead, fish the second 3   sleep by 20 minutes, thus showing that a full

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