Page 18 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 18
Kate’s Corner CONTINUED
The last time I “redecorated”, I painted game?” I asked.
our two rattan end tables black. Then recently,
“There aren’t any on.”
I developed a “floater” in my left eye. So,
you can understand how this might lead to He came over and felt all around my
problems finding a small, black remote, even seat cushion again, while I was trying to come
when it’s lying in plain sight on top of one of up with a word for Words With Friends.
the end tables. Also, due to its small size, it
“Pete!” I said. “It isn’t over here! You
easily slips down between the seat cushions of
had it last. Remember, last night you picked
the reclining sofa.
the movie. It probably fell on the floor under
Pete sits at one end of the sofa; I sit at your seat.”
the other. The middle cushion is stationary,
My right knee is artificial, so I can’t
and is used primarily as a table for sharing
kneel. When I bend over low enough to see
snacks. The other night, we “lost” the DVD
under anything as low as a sofa, I try to have
remote. Pete insisted that it was probably on
more than one reason for doing so. “I’ll get it
“my” end table, under a magazine or the book
tomorrow when I vacuum.”
I’ve been reading for the past month… or
behind my wine glass, a box of tissue, and an Grimacing, grunting and moaning,
empty tea cup. I was sure that it was on “his” he knelt down on his “good” knee – the one
end table, hidden by his Army cap, a bag of without the bone bruise -- and then dropped
chips, and a dish of dip… or his quart-size and rolled over onto his “good hip” (the one
cold drink mug with a built-in straw, that for that isn’t artificial), and looked under his
some reason sounds like muted gas bubbles seat. No luck. After he struggled for several
leaving his digestive tract every time he takes minutes to get back up, bumping his head on
a long sip. Putt, putt, putt. the coffee table in the process, I suggested
that maybe one of us may have carried it into
He put his seat in the upright position,
another room. I’m known for leaving our
felt all around the seat cushion, and then
portable phone and my reading glasses all
got up and checked my end table and felt
over the house. For the second time, he came
all round my seat cushion. I put my seat in
over and checked around my seat cushion,
the upright position, and got up to check
this time while I was trying to read my
his end table. I shoved my hand in between
the cushions all around his seat cushion. No
remote. Then he looked through the entire
house, including both bathrooms, both cars,
I sat back down and said, “I don’t need
and the pockets of the pants that he had
to watch a movie anyway. I’ll read my e-mails
worn the previous night. I started playing
and play a few games.” I have a couple of word
Wordscape. He came back and checked all
games that I play on my i-Pad during slow
around his seat cushion again, and then all
moving shows, along with a trivia game. I
around mine for the third or fourth time
stink at it, because I can’t concentrate when
-- while I was still sitting in it and trying to
the TV’s on… and it’s always on when I’m
concentrate on a game. It’s been months since
we’ve been this intimate.
“Why don’t you watch a football
16 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SPRING 2021