Page 22 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 22

Moon Phase Fishing

             A good fishing technique for the winter           Once daylight fully arrives, the bait and their
      months involves jigging a lure over a point or           predators leave the shallow water in favor of
      other structure, usually about 30 feet deep or           the deeper water in the channel. If you have
      more. Trolling is also productive, mainly in             been fishing a while and have a good catch, you
      the main channels at the same depth, passing             may want to take a break and go to breakfast…
      over structures while being careful not to hang.         or you might want to move to deeper water.
      A deep diving minnow, or a jig and spoon
      combo with lead line are good tackle choices.                   A striper will put up a terrific fight with
      Some anglers also fish top water in the coves            all it has in it; in warm water situations, these
      or creeks, with floating minnows (Redfin,                fish produce a lot of lactic acid. When the
      Thunderstick, Rebel, Long-A, etc.). It’s best to         amount of lactic acid reaches a certain point,
      retrieve very slowly where spots are showing             they may not be able to pull water thru their
      on the depth finder, in water about 15-20 feet           gills after being released, and this actually
      deep. You’ll see bubbles rise to the surface as          causes the fish to drown. The Maryland Game
      the sky begins to slowly move from darkness              Dept. did some studies with striped bass in the
      to light. This is a good time to catch a trophy          bay, and found that in warmer weather, “catch
      Striped Bass/Rockfish.                                   & release” fish would have a mortality rate as
                                                               high as 88%. Years ago, the Virginia Game


                                                                                                     by Bob King

      20     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2021
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