Page 24 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 24

Fisherman’s Almanac CONTINUED
      F is he rma n ’ s Alma nac C O NTINUED
       moon disturbs a good night’s sleep. These              or the “Full Crust Moon”, because the snow
       changes were associated with a decrease                become crusted with the thawing by day
       in subjective sleep quality diminished                 and freezing at night. The “Full Sap Moon”,
       endogenous melatonin levels, even when                 marking the time of tapping maple trees, is
       one does not “see” a moon or is aware of the           another variation. To European settlers, it was
       actual moon phase.                                     also know as the “Lenten Moon”, and was
                                                              considered to be the last full moon of winter.
              Various creatures, land or aquatic,
       respond to the moon (not the light) in a               •   Full Pink Moon-April
       like manner according to the moon phase.               This name came from the herb moss pink,
       There are times when the moon can not be               or wild ground phlox, which is one of the
       seen because of cloud cover, and it makes no           earliest widespread flowers of spring. Other
       difference. The reaction to the moon phase is          names for this month’s celestial body include
       consistent.                                            the “Full Sprouting Grass Moon”, the “Egg
                                                              Moon”, and among coastal tribes, the “Full
       MOON PHASE NAMES...                                    Fish Moon”, because it was the time the shad
                                                              swam upstream to spawn.
       •   Full Wolf Moon-January
       Amid the cold and deep snows of mid-winter,            •   Full Flower Moon-May
       the wolf packs howled hungrily outside                 In most areas, flowers are abundant
       Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s          everywhere during this time, hence the name.
       full moon. Sometimes it was also referred to           Other names include “Full Corn Planting
       as the “Old Moon”, or “Moon After Yule”.               Moon”, or the “Milk Moon”.
       Some called it the “Full Snow Moon”, but
       most tribes applied that name to the next              •   Full Strawberry Moon-June
       moon.                                                  This name was universal to every Algonquin
                                                              tribe, because of the relatively short season for
       •   Full Snow Moon-February                            harvesting strawberries that comes each year
       Since the heaviest snow usually falls during           during June. However, in Europe they called
       this month, native tribes of the north and east        it the “Rose Moon”.
       most often called February’s full moon the
       “Full Snow Moon”. Some tribes also referred            •   Full Buck Moon-July
       to this Moon as the “Full Hunger Moon”,                July is normally the month when the new
       since harsh weather conditions in their areas          antlers of buck deer push out of their
       made hunting very difficult.                           foreheads, in coatings of velvety fur. It was
                                                              often called the “Full Thunder Moon”,
       •   Full Worm Moon-March                               because thunderstorms are most frequent
       As the temperature begins to warm and                  during this time. Another name for this
       the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts             moon was the “Full Hay Moon”.
       begin to appear, heralding the return of the
       robins. The more northern tribes knew this             •   Full Sturgeon Moon-August.
       moon as the “Full Crow Moon”, when the                 The fishing tribes are given credit for naming
       cawing of crows signaled the end of winter,            this moon, since the sturgeon, a large fish

      22     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2021
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