Page 22 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 22

Kate’s Corner CONTINUED

       it, but I wouldn’t send $15,000 to my real            5), the guy knew my first name and the
       grandson, at least not without involving a            name of the grandson he was impersonating.
       lawyer, the police, the FBI, and his parents.         His opening words were flawless, but in
                                                             answering questions off script, an accent
               Anyway, the flimflam man on
                                                             crept into his voice. He also clearly knew
       Messenger soon confessed that, indeed,
                                                             nothing more about my family than a couple
       he was not Jane but actually a man living
                                                             of names. What galls me is that we probably
       in South Africa. DAH! What was really
                                                             have accepted some of these creeps into our
       interesting to me, however, is that he also
                                                             colleges... on scholarships.
       admitted he had paid a sizable amount of
       money for the “program” he was using,                               The cleverest of the bunch was
       which is designed to cheat Americans out              one who hacked my daughter-in-law’s email
       of their hard earned cash. He needed to at            account. He knew that she was traveling
       least get his money back, he whined. I could          abroad. Using her last name, he targeted
       smell fear in his words, so I rubbed it in a          each family member in her email contact
       little that he, himself, had been swindled -          list. The message to all of us was that her
       by people in his own country to boot. How             passport had been stolen and she, of course,
       did it feel? That’s when he switched from             needed help financially. “I’m writing this
       stealing mode to begging:                             with tears in my eyes,” is how it began.

              “Please send money. I’m very poor,” he                 Again, after just a couple of
       finally wrote.                                        questions, it was obvious that I was not
                                                             corresponding with my son’s wife. Either
              I asked him why he had turned to a
                                                             that, or she didn’t know that she only had
       life of crime, and why was he so poor?  Was
                                                             one daughter. The messages were coming
       it because he couldn’t get honest work, or
                                                             from South America. All I had to ask was:
       because of bad investments like the program
                                                             “Are your daughters both with you?”
       to con people. He said there were plenty of
       jobs; they just didn’t pay enough.                          He answered “Yes”.

               I ended up sending him a Christian                   I caused as much anxiety and grief
       prayer (The Act of Contrition), some                  for that crook as I could over a three-day
       budgeting tips, and warnings of what bad              period,  including telling him that I had
       karma can do to a person, both now and in             wired the money to the address he gave me,
       the afterlife. I also warned him that he’d            and it would be there by late morning the
       have trouble sleeping over the next month,            following day. The last day of the charade,
       because I was putting a curse on him. I               I couldn’t resist one final poke in the gut:
       guess it came across as a lecture, because            “Did you get the money I sent?” I asked in
       he told me to stop writing to him. When I             an email.
       didn’t stop, he refused to answer any more of
                                                                   A return email came back cursing me.
       my messages.
                                                             It made my day. Obviously it was a major
               Some of these con-men have done               inconvenience and disappointment for him
       their homework. On two of the Grandma-                or her or them when they went to collect a
      A ma  r y l lis                                        pile of money that never came.
       my-nose-is-broken calls (I’ve received about

      20     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2020
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