Page 27 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 27
several spines. the fish could have a successful spawn.
Striped Bass is a mellow, sweet, white However, if the Striped Bass can not
meat fish, and it was very much in demand at reach the distance needed for the eggs to float
markets and restaurants until overharvesting and tumble for at least 72 hours, the spawn
became a problem. This caused several states will not be effective, resulting in no offspring,
to enact a moratorium on commercial fishing and thus a “false spawn”. Such a lake is
of this species. Sportsmen can still fish for termed a “Put & Take” lake. In other words,
them in each area, but with limitations. This it must be stocked in order to maintain the
fish has also been introduced in the Pacific Striped Bass population.
Coast area with success.
After a number of dead Striped Bass
When Santee-Cooper was built in began showing up in the Chesapeake Bay, the
Tennessee, the Striped Bass had gone up the state of Maryland made a long intensive study
river to spawn in this area. When it came to determine the cause. It was determined
time to close the dam and that because of the fight that
fill the lake, some of the an adult Striped Bass will
Striped Bass were still up give an angler in the summer
the river. Engineers waited months, the fish produces a
as long as was possible to large amount of lactic acid in
fill the lake, hoping that its system, and this becomes
all the Striped Bass would a big problem. The lactic acid
have gone back to the sea, can cause the fish to die after it
but this was not the case. is returned to the water.
It was generally assumed
that these fish would die, I’m sure you are aware
but the Striped Bass is a of athletes getting muscle
euryhaline fish. That is, cramps that are severe enough
a fish that can adapt to to cause knots in the muscles,
fresh water, even though and cause a lot of pain. As
it is normally a saltwater with most creatures, fish
dweller. After the Striped require a consistent intake of
Bass demonstrated that they could thrive oxygen in order to survive. Their gills absorb
in fresh water, plans to stock in other lakes oxygen from water molecules as the water
began. passes through the gill membranes. Excessive
lactic acid can cause a problem for Striped
The spawn occurs from April Bass, resulting in their not being able to pull
through early June, depending on the water water thru their gills, effectively “drowning”
temperature and the full moon, most likely in the fish. The mortality rate for these fish in
May on Smith Mountain Lake. The spawn the summer is very high. In the cold water
on Smith Mountain Lake is called a “false months, this is not so much of a problem.
spawn”. If a lake is fed by a river, in which
Striped Bass could go up stream far enough When I was president of the Striper
to spawn, and the eggs could float and tumble Club, we worked with the state of Virginia,
by Bob King for at least 72 hours before reaching the lake, posting notices asking anglers to catch their 25