Page 18 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 18

Dial Tone

      By Kate Hofstetter

              Has anyone else noticed that solicitation               “Yes” (I have 12 grown grandsons)
       calls had dropped off dramatically during the
                                                                      “Do you know who this is?”
       Covid-19  lock-down? It certainly appears
       that our health officials and the media have                   “Wilbur?” (I don’t have a grandson
       over-looked that side-effect of the virus.              named Wilbur) “I didn’t recognize your voice.
       Or, maybe I was cleaning a closet, or store-            How are you?”
       hopping looking for toilet paper when robo-
                                                                      “I’m not very good. I’m in the hospital,
       calls were covered in our daily briefings.
                                                               Grandma. My nose is broken. That’s why I
              It seems to me that                                             sound different.”
       some businesses out
                                                                                     “Oh dear! That’s dreadful
       there missed the boat!
                                                                              news! Did the broken nose also
       Here we all were, stuck
                                                                              cause you to develop that Latino
       at home in front of our
       TVs, waiting for stimulus
       checks to arrive. We were                                                    Click! Dial-tone.
       like a huge flock of sitting
       ducks: Scared out of our                                                      That’s right. This guy,
       wits about something we                                                with an accent thicker than
       can’t see or hear and no one                                           CenturyLink’s customer service
       understands, lapping up as much information             crew in the Philippines, was brazen enough to
       as the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and Governor                     think I that would believe he is my grandson,
       Cuomo could dish out. I can’t think of a                who is a 15th generation American. He
       better time to sell extended car warranties             might as well have tried to pass himself off as
       or bacteria producing chemicals for septic              Morgan Freeman.
                                                                      I told one other caller that he needed to
              Well, I did get a couple of calls that           hire someone who can speak English without
       Caller ID couldn’t identify during the lock-            an accent, and to get more creative, as we are
       down. They were from con artists – no, not              all wise to the trite tricks of crooks like him.
       politicians, but a different sort of con artists        I also told him that I am a witch, and was
       – these were men who pretended to be my                 putting a curse on him that would cause his
       grandson(s), hoping to separate me from some            hair to fall out and his teeth to rot over the
       fast cash. The call went something like this:           next 20 years.

               “Hello.”                                               I’ve learned that once these crooks
                                                               are forced to go off-script, it can become
               “Grandma?” (adult male voice)                   quite entertaining. It’s great fun to string

      16     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2020
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