Page 20 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 20

Kate’s Corner CONTINUED

      them along until they are so angry that they           bait that he hoped would result in money in
      are speaking Pidgin English. I actually had            his pocket. He told me he had won a lottery
      one punk, who knew he’d blown his cover,               (or drawing or sweepstakes) for thousands of
      screaming at me to just send $2,500 or                 dollars, and while signing for his money saw
      he’d keep calling. He hung-up when I said              my name also listed as one of the winners.
      I’d need routing information and his bank
                                                                     The scam is that he provides a link to
      account number.
                                                             a site that looks like (for example) it belongs
              Hearing loss and senility really gets          to Publishers Clearing House, where you
      under their skin. A word of caution, however:          will indeed learn that you’ve won a sizable
      it’s important to agree to send money right up         prize. These sites are counterfeit, and cleverly
      front, or they’ll hang up almost immediately           designed to look real. To get the money, you
      (like the Latino caller) and ruin all your fun.        need to pay $900 upfront for some type of
                                                             “security”. Next, they’ll ask for even more
              From a victim’s standpoint, the con
                                                             money for enhanced security when the
      schemes that I like best are the written ones.
                                                             thousands in cash is actually delivered directly
      They give you time to think and get creative.
                                                             to your home. All the time your “friend” on
      Although you can’t hear their voices, just like
                                                             Messenger is assuring you that he/she had to
      in a telephone conversation if you keep asking
                                                             do exactly the same thing before cashing in
      questions and keep them “talking”, their
                                                             on the prize money, which he/she is enjoying
      English begins to fall apart and they expose
                                                             at this very moment.
      themselves for what they really are: impostors
      that would steal their blind grandmother’s                     I ignored his statement about being a
      cane for a little easy cash.                           sweepstakes winner and kept talking about
                                                             Jane’s fictitious family. He kept pulling me
              My favorite experience with one was on
                                                             back to the bait. Finally I told him that I was
      Messenger, which, I’ve learned, has become
                                                             very much aware he was not Jane, and it was
      one of the most popular tools of con artists,
                                                             obvious that he was hoping to get money
      along with email. My friend Jane’s account
                                                             from me, which would not happen. I also told
      was hacked. I knew almost immediately
                                                             him he is not smart enough to earn a living
      that it wasn’t Jane writing to me because the
                                                             as a con-man, and should get a job instead
      conversation was different than any we would
                                                             of wasting his time and everyone else’s. The
      have had. We’ve never been “cozy” in our
                                                             scheme he was using, I told him, has been
      friendship like people who “talk” every day
                                                             used by so many crooks that everyone in the
      and have been friends for years.
                                                             USA is wise to it. Sadly, that is not the truth.
              “What are you up to?” was the                  The USA continues to be the favorite target
      message. I’ve only known Jane a few years.             of these lowlifes. They got my sister’s elderly
      We exchange Christmas letters. She wouldn’t            friend for $15,000 on the grandma-my-nose-
      greet me that way. One question confirmed              is-broken scam.
      my suspicions:
                                                                     She is a sweet, trusting woman who
              “Good!” I responded, “Are you still at         would do anything for her grandchildren, and
      your daughter’s?” Jane’s only child is a boy; the      that’s the type of target that these creeps seek.
      impostor answered “yes” and then offered me            I’m not that nice. The con-men don’t know

      18     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2020
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