Page 16 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 16

          y R
                        n C
      Tiny Renovation CONTINUED

      new dollhouse furniture and accessories, Gerri         Randy slightly more than a month to complete
      believes that there is well over a thousand dollars    the job, working together on the lights 2 hours a
      worth of miniatures in the house. Actually, she        day. Ah, but the lights add so much. She would
      and Randy have invested over $200 of their own         not even guess how many hours that she and
      money for roof shingles and other pieces that          Randy have spent on the house; she only laughed
      they found at Hobby Lobby or Online. Gerri             when asked.
      recalls that she couldn’t resist buying a roll of
                                                                     “That’s the last dollhouse for me,” Randy
      toilet paper for the bathroom. It was, she says,
                                                             declared in a gruff, no-nonsense voice. He
      the most difficult prop she had to deal with. It
                                                             frowned fiercely as he said it. Gerri gazed at him
      refused to obey, and kept sticking to her fingers.
                                                             fondly and smiled.
             Like a challenging jigsaw puzzle, for the
                                                                     He also said “no pictures of me!”
      Williamses the dollhouse became an activity for
      rainy days and when they were free just to idle                 “NO PICTURES!”
      away the time. It has a designated spot in their
      sun room, under a gorgeous stained glass window           The craft sale, sponsored by Wednesday Women,
      that Gerri had made of a lake scene. Over the          at which the dollhouse was to be awarded, has been
      years, she’s also made several other stained glass
                                                             canceled this year due to the Covid-19 threat. It will
      art objects, both for her own use and for friends.
                                                             have to wait until next year before a new owner
      In recent years, however, she has turned to other,
                                                             is found. Next year’s sale is slated to take place on
      less demanding hobbies.
                                                             October 16, 2021. Therefore, Gerri says, she will
             The Williamses started working on the           likely keep watch over the house until then. They were
      Wednesday Women dollhouse in January; by
                                                             just putting the final touches to landscaping when
      March or April Gerri had put in a call to Tim,
                                                             photos of the house were taken. Gerri, Randy and
      in the hope that he would tackle the electrical
      situation. He agreed, albeit somewhat reluctantly.     Tim all just hope the house will end up the prized
      He’d never had much interest in dollhouses, he         possession of some little girl who will always treasure
      says.                                                  it, and keep it safe from harm and landfills.

             Gerri estimates that it took Tim and

      14     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2020
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